Wander events/Region C (2024)

TypeEncounterConditionsNon-Combat OptionsCombat Option

Wander events/Region C (1)

A burly, grizzled man in leather... well, everything, is busy peeling the skin off of a no-longer-recognizable animal. He looks up at you and growls, brandishing his skinning knife as if to say "bother me, and you'll be next."One-time
  • Back away[noDarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Intimidate him[Intimidatin'5]

    gain somethingskin pants
    +15 - 16 XP

  • Watch him carefully[Outfoxin'3]

    gain 15 - 25 meat
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Trick him out of his pants[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain somethingskin pants
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Show him your skinnin' knife[varmint skinnin' knife]

    gain 2 of

    coal snake skin
    electric snakeskin
    fire moccasin skin
    Frisco viper skin
    rattlesnake skin
    extra-thick leather
    smoldering leather
    infernal leather

    + 20 - 22 XP

Bother him

Bad guys

a grizzled skinner

XP (kill)

20 - 22


15 - 25 meat
somethingskin pants
varmint skinnin' knife

Wander events/Region C (2)

A loud thwock! noise draws your attention, and you follow the sound to a man in a once-white apron, who is butchering a bighorn sheep or some other large desert animal with an oversized and heavy-looking meat cleaver. As he's hauling the implement up onto his shoulder for another blow, he catches sight of you and hisses with a wild look in his eye.One-time
  • Cower[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Show him how it's done[Intimidatin'3]

    gain bloodied cleaver
    +15 - 16 XP

  • Give him some pointers[Outfoxin'3]

    gain goat steak
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Trick him out of his carcass[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain 15 - 25 meat
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Help him out with his cleaving technique[Beanslinger]

    gain 15 - 25 meat
    + goat steak
    + 15 - 16 XP

Test him

Bad guys

a backwoods butcher

XP (kill)

20 - 22


15 - 25 meat
bloodied cleaver

Wander events/Region C (3)

Reach for the sky, traitor/clown!

You quickly turn around and see a grizzled-looking man in all black clothes -- except for his hat, which is white with brightly-colored spots. He's pointing a gun at you.

  • Lay down your gun[noDarkHorse, working for Barnaby Bob]

    gain Angry

  • Look out behind you![DarkHorse, working for Barnaby Bob]

    continue travel

  • Try to convince him to join you[Outfoxin'3, not working for Barnaby Bob]

    gain 3 silver bullet
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Calm down, buddy.[Hornswogglin'3, working for Barnaby Bob]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Like I need your permission. Bye, weirdo.[not working for Barnaby Bob]

    continue travel

  • Ugh, whatever. I'm out of here. / I'm going to ride away now...[don't know about clowns, not working for Barnaby Bob

    continue travel

  • What should I do if I run into one?[don't know about clowns, not working for Barnaby Bob

    learn about clowns
    continue travel

  • Hold on a second, your hat...[know about clowns, not working for Barnaby Bob

    continue travel

Bring it, Chuckles!
I guess you know too much, then. Sorry, I can't let you screw up my plans.

Bad guys

a clown hunter

XP (kill)

20 - 22


colorful hat

Wander events/Region C (4)

You spot a hellcalf grazing off the side of the trail, just as it spots you.

Its eyes glow and two shadowcows split off from it, forming a small, frightening herd.

  • Try to ride it out[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Ride away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

Ride into their midst

Bad guys

a runty hellcalf
a shadowcalf
a shadowcalf

XP (kill)

20 - 22


40 - 50 meat
2 of

tainted beefsteak
roasted cow tongue
putrid cow bile
cow's blood
tainted milk

40% chance of infernal soul fragment
30% chance of brass bull ring


3 extra-thick leather

Wander events/Region C (6)

As the trail curves through a patch of marshy ground, you catch a whiff of something worse than swamp gas.

It's a stankobove -- a cow skull floating in a cloud of noxious vapors -- and it saw you even before you smelled it.

  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Flee[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

Attack it

Bad guys

a stankobove

XP (kill)

20 - 22


cow fangs
1 of

roasted cow tongue
infernal soul fragment
brass bull ring

Wander events/Region C (8)

You come across a goblin, marching around in the woods. They're taller than a typical goblin, probably because their boots are taller than typical goblin boots. In fact these boots are so tall, they must be half-stuffed with socks to keep the tops from jamming the goblin in the groin.

The goblin sees you and marches over, attempting to look intimidating instead of awkward.

  • Leave the goblin alone[noDarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Ride away quickly[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Have Gary deal with it[Gary]

    gain guffin
    + 20 - 22 XP

  • Establish dominance[Intimidatin'3]

    gain guffin
    +15 - 16 XP

  • Help it with its feet problem[Outfoxin'3]

    gain 15 - 25 meat
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Steal those boots[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain jackboots
    + 15 - 16 XP

Attack the goblin

Bad guys

a jackbooted Gulch Goblin

XP (kill)

20 - 22



Wander events/Region C (9)

A rustling sound in the bushes draws your attention, and you decide to investigate -- because that's what adventurers do, no matter how bad of an idea it will probably turn out to be.

The rustling turns out to be a goblin -- a goblin wearing (euggh) clown make-up and practicing their cartwheels (and mostly failing). Eventually they give up on tumbling practice and start repeatedly throwing a shiny metal ball in the air and catching it.

  • Leave the goblin alone[noDarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Ride away quickly[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Have Gary deal with it[Gary]

    unlock Circus
    + 20 - 22 XP

  • Scare it away[Intimidatin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Teach it to juggle[Outfoxin'3]

    gain goblin sandwich
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Steal its ball[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain shiny ball
    + 15 - 16 XP

Attack the goblin

Bad guys

a Gulch Goblin juggler

XP (kill)

20 - 22


goblin sandwich
shiny ball

Wander events/Region C (10)

Well, this is unusual. In this wooded area out in the middle of nowhere, a goblin has constructed a little lean-to with a rough wooden counter. It looks like something a kid would sell lemonade out of, except instead of lemonade they've got a display of shiny bits of jewelry.One-time
  • Leave the goblin alone[noDarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Ride away quickly[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Give the goblin 100 Meat[100meat, no goblintongue]

    1 of

    goblin nail ring
    goblin glass ring
    goblin lead ring

    + lose 100 meat

  • Buy the tough-looking ring[100 meat]

    gain goblin nail ring
    + lose 100 meat

  • Buy the sparkly ring[100 meat]

    gain goblin glass ring
    + lose 100 meat

  • Buy the elegant ring[100 meat]

    gain goblin lead ring
    + lose 100 meat

  • Buy no rings and leave

    continue travel

Rob the goblin

Bad guys

a Gulch Goblin jeweler

XP (kill)

20 - 22


15 - 25 meat
special magic ring

Wander events/Region C (11)

With a shout -- well, more of a loud hiss -- a skeleton leaps at you from the underbrush. He/She's wearing a cavalry hat and has a cavalry saber, but isn't riding a cavalry horse, which I'm pretty sure is the main thing that differentiates cavalry from infantry, if not the only thing.One-time
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Ride away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Give him/her the old drill sergeant drilling[Intimidatin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Question his/her designation[Outfoxin'3]

    gain old cavalry hat
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Get directions to his/her fort[Hornswogglin'3]

    unlock Fort Alldead
    + 15 - 16 XP

  • Show him/her your cavalry pin[rifleman insignia pin]

    gain military-grade whiskey
    + army field trauma kit
    + old cavalry saber

Fight the skeleton

Bad guys

a skeletal cavalryman

XP (kill)

20 - 22


old cavalry hat

Wander events/Region C (13)

You rein in your horse upon hearing a rattle of bones and clanking of chains nearby. With a hiss, a skeletal figure scuttles toward you.One-time
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Run away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Let Alice handle it[DocAlice]

    gain weirdly deformed bone
    + 20 - 22 XP

  • Intimidate them[Intimidatin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Fix them[Outfoxin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Frighten them away[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

Fight it, er, I mean... them?

Bad guys

a deformed skeleton

XP (kill)

20 - 22


weirdly deformed bone

Wander events/Region C (15)

A shot rings out and something buzzes past your ear. You quickly dive behind a rock just in case these two things are connected and not just, say, someone hunting nearby and also there's a bee.

Peering carefully around your rock, you eventually spot movement in the underbrush -- it's a hunter with an old-fashioned matchlock rifle and a cloak with leaves stuck to it. (Which is less effective as camouflage than it sounds, because all the trees around here are pine trees.) You also notice that he/she's been out here a very long time, which you can infer from the way he/she is literally a skeleton.

  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Ride away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

  • Mock his/her hunting skills[Intimidatin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Use magic to escape[Outfoxin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

  • Distract him/her and escape[Hornswogglin'3]

    gain 15 - 16 XP

Attack him/her

Bad guys

the skeleton of an old hunter

XP (kill)

20 - 22


cargo jeans

Wander events/Region C (17)

You smell it before you see it: a skeleton trudging toward you, covered with mud and muck and smelling like garbage juice. It must have crawled out of some horrible bog nearby, and if the skeleton smells this bad, the bog must be unimaginable. So it makes sense that even a skeleton would want to get away from there.Repeatable
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Ride away[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

Fight it

Bad guys

a smelleton

XP (kill)

20 - 22


1-2 of

skeleton bone
skull chips
handful of loose teeth

Wander events/Region C (19)

A greenish, human-shaped cloud of writhing smoke wafts toward you moaning and whispering. Given the smell, you'd guess that someone ate way too much Limburger cheese, and then burped so hard they blasted out their soul.Repeatable [PaleHorse]
  • Surrender

    gain Angry

Fight it

Bad guys

an odorgeist

XP (kill)

20 - 22


bit of ectoplasm

Wander events/Region C (21)

You have a run-in with the worst-smelling snake you've ever seen. It is basically a cartoon stink-line come to life.Repeatable
  • Surrender[noDarkHorse]

    gain Angry

  • Whistle for <horsename>[DarkHorse]

    continue travel

Hold your nose and fight it

Bad guys

a Great Western Turletsnake

XP (kill)

20 - 22


1-2 of

snake liver
snake spleen
snake venom bladder

Venom: 2 - 3
Medicine: 2 - 3

Wander events/Region C (23)

Your El Vibrato bleeps, and you follow the signal, because of course you do! Why wouldn't you?

One reason why you might not is that it led you to a hulking robot that could easily pound you into scrap.

Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone

    continue travel

Approach it

Bad guys

an El Vibrato construct

XP (kill)

20 - 22


1 - 3 El Vibrato scraps
Wander events/Region C (2024)
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Article information

Author: Twana Towne Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5981

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.