90 reviews
This is one of the best essential oil book that I have read. It is a great book for beginners because it has very important basic information about the history of oils, how they are made, safety considerations, how to use them, how to dilute, and many recipes. More seasoned essential oil users can use this as a great reference book and enjoy all the recipes.
- omg own
3,516 reviews71 followers
This book is targeted at people interested in or just beginning to use essential oils for health. I have been using essential oils for years and have read many essential oil books. I appreciated that the author approached essential oils from both a Christian perspective and a scientific one--that they are medicines and have complex chemical profiles. He explained the basics of essential oils without getting too scientific for a beginner. His recipes were not highly complicated and tended to use the same 15 or so oils that he recommended earlier. However, many of the recipes also had an oil or two that weren't on that list because the recipes replicated the exact oil combinations used in a study he cited. The author based his information on scientific studies and information from experts. However, some of the scientific studies that he cited were based on animal studies, chemical components of the oil rather than the whole oil, or were done in a petri dish, so (as the author notes) we don't know for certain if the results accurately show how that oil will act in humans. Most of the oils he recommended are not expensive, but a few are. Beginners often look at the price of a small bottle and balk at it without realizing how little you use at a time. Overall, I thought he did a good job of covering safety, suggesting useful essential oils have around, and providing instructions on how to use them. He included recipes for health, cleaning house, personal care products, and even pets. I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher.
- non-fiction
Lecy Beth
1,737 reviews13 followers
This is a thorough guide for using some of the basic essential oils to help soothe certain conditions like inflammation, anxiety, and skin disorders and includes details on several different essential oils and recipes for therapeutic blends and sprays. It is a great resource for someone who is just starting their journey with essential oils or someone who is well-versed in oils but is looking for more details on how to help chronic medical conditions using them. *ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
- 2018
10 reviews20 followers
Fantastic! Informative and non emotional. Doesn't attach any kind of unnecessary fluff to the concept of aroma oils. Being an alternative therapy, I Love the way it is written. Very practical and straightforward. Though it seems to keep highlighting for buying any kind of oil! However, I feel, it is not such a big issue. The information is given keeping a beginner in mind, So I'm sure it is necessary to let them know where to get started. However he doesn't endorse any kind of brand preference, which is again a plus. Dr. Z explains how to even make your own blends and home based soaps! Very DIY ! Adds an extra punch to the book. Totally worth a read.
Tisha (IG: Bluestocking629)
795 reviews37 followers
Fabulous! I love Dr. and Mrs. Z. They both appear to be so caring. I loved seeing them speak in several interviews. They are genuine in their desire to see others become the healthiest versions of themselves. Then I was given the opportunity to read this book. I jumped at it! I was not let down. So informative! For somebody that is used to buying health and or household products at Bath and Body Works, Marshalls, grocery stores, and the like – well Essential Oils seemed scary. That’s so backwards I know…but it is what it is. They alleviated most of my fear (still have the fear of my cats around the oils. But I’m a crazy cat mama) and provided tons of information and a great deal of recipes! I feel very fortunate to have discovered these two knowledgeable and caring individuals. Two thumbs up.
victoria pistone
156 reviews1 follower
Such an amazingly helpful and informative book!!
293 reviews16 followers
Helpful information. I like that it does not focus on a brand of oils but their general usage.
- live-a-better-life
Vera Godley
1,889 reviews48 followers
Having recently begun using products such as soap, shampoo, and skin creams that are all natural and made with various essential oils and being quite happy with them, I thought perhaps this book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, might be a good introduction to benefits of utilizing essential oils in various ways in my daily life. I realize that essential oils are good but they can also be toxic or harmful on different levels when wrongly used. So one shouldn't indiscriminately purchase the oils and start mixing, rubbing, and ingesting them. One should definitely find out just how, when, what quantity, what quality, and which oils to use. This information must come from a dependable source. This book by Eric Zielinski, D.C. was offered for review through a blogging program and I thought it would be interesting and perhaps helpful to me and my family. I am definitely lacking in knowledge of how to use essential oils and which oils serve which purpose. I do enjoy walking into a room that has a diffuser distributing mist allowing me to enjoy the aromatics and goodness of various oils. Again, education and knowledge in use of or being guided by an expert clinician would be helpful. The book: The cover is lovely and definitely appealing and the book lengthy enough but not overpowering to the newcomer or novice. I was disappointed in the quality of the paper. It appears thin and of a recycled type used in pulp-novels. I would expect a bit nicer paper from this publisher.
The information: I can not evaluate the veracity of content since I am lacking in personal knowledge of essential oils and am a seeker of information. The book is written from a Christian (or Biblical) perspective and Dr. Zielinski is a "Biblical Health Educator." This appeals to me, but I am always a cautious reader when an author makes claims and I seek further confirmation rather than to simply accept the author's statement.
The author states in his introduction that the "therapeutic use of essential oils doesn't have to be complicated...." and that he has "painstakingly taken out all of the guesswork... to distill everything down to manageable bite-sized pieces."
Dr. Z. includes some do-it-yourself recipes that can help you get started replacing commercial products with those you make yourself with essential oils. Or you can understand the process from this information and seek out products made by others and in small batches from the same ingredients and sold in "natural" product shops. I like that the author writes with a light touch and sense of humor.
There is a nice bibiologaphy and index in the back of the book
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own and are freely given.
Nora St Laurent
1,565 reviews99 followers
Dr. Eric Zielinski D.C. author tells readers how he got into using and researching essential oils. He shares how he was reluctant to use them but after extensive research he can across discoveries he had to share. He provides extensive research on why and how to use essential oils, along with how to choose what is right for you. It’s personal. What works best for you may not do it for me. We’re all different. I liked that approach. I’m very new at all this so for me it was great. I like his straight forward approach which was simple to understand. I love all the recipes for personal care products, health conditions and illnesses. I liked his safety tips too. He mentions how he put a type of oil on his skin directly and his skin burned. These oils are concentrated. He gives specific measurements and tells you how to apply the oils for inhaling, cooking etc. I liked that. There are recipes for tough cleaning jobs, dish soap, Kitchen counter spray, Gardener’s Hand Cream, Deet-Free Bug Spray, All types of body oils for many conditions. It’s a fascinating book. It’s not one to rush though. There is so much to soak up and many recipes to try. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Blogging for books site. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” Nora St. Laurent
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23 reviews
I ordered this book to add another good book in my collection for working with essential oils, based on the reviews. However, the book would have been much better without all the religious babbling. I did not purchase a book about learning or wanting to read excerpts from a book that has caused more wars than any other thing in the world. So, buyer beware, if you do not care about a person finding religion and quoting the bible non-stop do not buy it. You can just skip past the religious texts because the recipes are great.
7 reviews
I love this book! I come back to the recipes and remedies over and over. This book stays right in my kitchen where it is quickly accessible. Great for beginners.
Beauty in the Binding
591 reviews42 followers
I have a friend who uses essential oils to promote health. I have another who eschews medical use and will only use essential oils for cleaning. I have a family member who believes in bleach, chemicals, and antibiotics. If you do an internet search on essential oils, there's an insane amount of information, and it's frequently conflicting. Enter The Healing Power of Essential Oils by Eric Zielinski, D.C. In this book, Dr. Zielinski, who is a health researcher and aromatherapist, begins to disentangle the truth, half-truth, propaganda, and nonsense that can surround the use of essential oils. In my opinion, he's more evidence-based than what is normally found in the blogsphere or essential oil Facebook groups. He's also quick to state that in some oils, there just hasn't been a lot of research or there is still more research needed. This book covers numerous topics: fundamentals of aromatherapy, using essential oils safely, how to start off, house cleaning with essential oils, basic essential oil recipes for wellness, more advanced recipes for specific physical issues with an emphasis on women's health, and more! It took me a few weeks to read through this book and I was bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information, including a few parts that were very scientific. That being said, Dr. Z's approach is to start with what you can. No, you can't completely change everything all at once. Integrate what you can and add more as you learn. And I did learn a lot in the book! Overall, it's very understandable and Dr. Z lays down the safety issues and basic procedures at the very beginning. He also repeats that you should listen to you body, discontinue use if something seems off, and that we all have biological differences stemming from gender, race, family history, etc... therefore, what works great for one person may only give moderate relief to someone else. So, did this book convert me to essential oils? Maybe. It's definitely opened my mind up to them and exposed some harmful substances I wasn't aware of. (example: toxicity of hand sanitizer) I do plan to start small and give some of this a try. I will keep The Healing Power of Essential Oils by Eric Zielinski, D.C. on my bookshelf for future reference. One last note: Dr. Z. is a proponent of Biblical health and mentions prayer and Biblical health guidelines throughout the book. If you are uncomfortable with that, this book may not be for you. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
584 reviews90 followers
Fantastic resource My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge... I've read a lot of essential oil books, mostly because there's so much to learn about oils and most books don't give you a lot of detail. I was desperate to read something and stumbled across this one on Libby, and I have to say, it stands out from the rest. Firstly, it's written by a chiropractor - someone in the medical field with the benefit of medical education as they write about something that's often dismissed as placebo or plain woo-woo. The book is peppered with scientific studies, and I was impressed that the author wasn't afraid to admit when the science was lacking. He didn't omit the conditions he couldn't recommend a treatment for, he actually said, "the science is lacking here, so we really don't know. Here's what we've seen/we think" and covered it all the same. He also started off the book with a caution that a lot of the studies done on essential oils are actually on the constituents, not the whole oil, so the results of those studies couldn't be expected to fully translate. Next, I was impressed by the sheer range of conditions discussed. Everything from insomnia to vaginal thinning to autoimmunity. It's in here. In detail, with formulas, recipes, and advice. There's valuable info on safety that I know I'll be referencing again in the future. Lastly, I appreciated the author's non-bias and simple empowerment. He doesn't press you to any one method or brand, but gives you the information you need to make your own decisions. I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to expand their knowledge on essential oils in depth.
~ Hosea 4:6
- health-and-wellness nonfiction sciencey
Julie D.
585 reviews17 followers
I have a huge interest in oils and their health benefits. I have learned so much from this book as it goes into a lot of different topics for using oils. The book goes into the basics so we have an understanding of how oils work with our bodies to improve our health. The author shares his own story of how he came to use oils to improve his own failing health. He tells us to start simple and to make the use of these oils a daily part of our routine. He also has videos on his website to show us how to prepare several of his oil blends. I thought this was really helpful in implementing the use of the oils. He breaks down the sections to help with different health issues. For instance, he shares blends for pain relief, pet care, pregnancy, pms, stomach issues, and even personal care products. He shares what different oils can be used for and then gives different recipes for blends to use. I learned so much about what different oils can be used for. He has so much information in this book yet it isn't difficult to understand or read. You can get as complicated or as basic as you want. I like that he has so many different blends and ideas in this book. If you are interested in learning about oils, like I am, you'll really gain a lot of knowledge from this book. It's so full of great information and I highly recommend it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars. *This book was provided to me for my honest review by Blogging For Books
497 reviews13 followers
I've had a copy of The Healing Power of Essential Oils for years and I get it out from time to time to read it. Essential oils seem to be very trendy now. I often see articles online where people are promoting essential oil's health benefits. The FDA doesn’t monitor or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils so I'd advise you to talk with a healthcare provider before you begin using them. There are many uses for essential oils. One popular way I have seen is to mix drops of essential oil, vinegar, and water to deodorize surfaces. I do have a small collection of oils and occasionally use them to deodorize surfaces in rooms to which our pets do not have access. Another popular alternative is to mix them with baking soda to make a shoe or carpet deodorizer. We have an Epsom salt soaking solution that has lavender oil in it and occasionally, I do make a body scrub with sugar, carrier oil, and drops of Frankincense oil when I feel self-pampering is needed. A few people I know diffuse essential oils in their homes. In many cases, it's reported they can be toxic to pets so I currently do not diffuse them in our home. The Healing Power of Essential Oils by Eric Zielinski, D.C. is an interesting read. The book discusses the fundamentals of aromatherapy. It does include scientific research and speaks of safety issues and procedures for applications. It also lets people know that what works for one person does not necessarily work for all.
- outdoor-nature
980 reviews54 followers
I have been using essential oils for a few years now. I have mainly been using the most common ones(lemon, peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, grapefruit, etc.) This past year as my grandma has gotten into the oils she has actually taught me more about them because she studies everything about them all the time. So that being said, I really enjoyed this book. I was actually really surprised at how much info was in this book. Not only is it perfect for newbies but also for those that need something to look back at and reference. The best part of this book is the multitude of recipes and remedies that fill up a good portion of this book. From everything you can imagine, there is a recipe to make it with essential oils. Need hand soap? Shampoo? Deodorizer? Roll on blends? The author does not promote a certain brand of essential oils BUT he does state what to look for in high quality oils and to not be fooled by the cheap stuff. This book gives a wonderful overview on most questions with essential oils and especially if you are a newbie to oils, this is a great book. Five Stars. "I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review."
175 reviews2 followers
My mother-in-law bought me this book after loving it and making loads of DIY products based on this book's recipes. I'm not going to lie, I was really sceptical about essential oils and STILL am with most of the claims the industry makes (curing everything from chronic pain to cancer) BUT... I did enjoy this book. I read it mostly cover to cover and applaud the author for using mostly real science to support his claims (although he also heavily uses unverifiable antidotes as well). The book targets an older, Christian audience (and being in my late-20s, wasn't really written for me) but there are some advice and recipes I will definitely take away from this book. In fact, I even purchased a diffuser and now use diffused lavender oils in my morning yoga practices. If you read this (or any book on essential oils), take it with a grain of salt, afterall the author is trying to get you to buy into a multi-billion dollar industry and history has proven that humans will use any manipulation they can to sell to people needing a quick fix (spoiler: there are no quick fixes in life... EVER). What I did appreciate about this book (but also found frustrating) is that he never recommends a specific brand. He instead provides advice (and warnings) on how to select a good oil, such as avoid companies that are MLMs (multi level marketing scams) and products that don't disclose what's used in the oil. If you're curious, like I was, go for it. Give this book a shot.
Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader
1,467 reviews182 followers
I am new to essential oils and this book is so full of great information. The health benefits of oils and the right way to use them is so hard so helpful and all of the different information shared in this book have given me so much hope. So many people use itworks fat burning wraps, but you can make your own that work better and don't cost near what the itworks cost. The personal care products are numerous in the book. So many recipes and healthy remedies in this one book. This is a 4 star book that I will be referring to over and over. I HIGHLY recommend it if you are new to oils are if you are looking for effective remedies and recipes. The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.
- 2018
691 reviews2 followers
I have dabbled in essential oils in the past. Mainly tea tree oil for acne and argan oil for dry skin. I have never really diffused any or used them to make cleaning products around the house or anything. I would like to get more in to them, and I thought this would be the perfect book for that. This book has a lot of information and is a great place to start. I really like that there are recipes for many things and suggestions to help with conditions like inflammation, anxiety, and skin disorders. I have been looking at diffusers on Amazon and am about to pull the plug on one and get started! Bottom Line: Great book full of basics and more to get started with essential oils. **I received a copy of The Healing Power of Essential Oils from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
118 reviews
ARC Copy from Publisher This is a fascinating book about essential oils. It includes not only the use of essential oils but it also gives the history of essential oils. It goes over the necessary safety precautions when using essential oils. Most importantly, Dr. Z recognizes the fact that each person responds differently to essential oils and recommends approaching essential oil use with caution and understanding. While they are natural, they can still do damage when used incorrectly. I very much enjoyed all of the information in this book. The practical application parts were great. He took you from history to use in today’s world which I loved. If you’re interested in essential oils and want to learn from someone who doesn’t have a vested interest in selling you a specific product, I highly recommend checking out this book.
Author1 book9 followers
I loved this book so much, what an amazing resource. It was such a hassle finding a book about essential oils that is actually based on science, studies, medical experiences, and personal practice. Most books about essential oils have zero credibility and this is where Dr. Z's book is so so different. He is upfront with the research, and even lack thereof. He is upfront with how different bodies work in different ways. He is upfront about the necessity to dilute oils, which is the #1 thing every EO user must know - and yet, most people who sell/teach/use EO never speak about this. I found this book to be an amazing resource for women as well, as it candidly covers many women-specific issues. It also has a chapter on safe essential oil use around pets, which I really appreciated! All in all, this was exactly the resource I needed and I'm so glad I found it! :)
58 reviews3 followers
Has a good ‘nose’ with sound advice Not a newbie to EOs at all, and not fond of him labelling himself Dr (doctor) when he’s not, not even a doctor of natural medicine, but will admit all within is well-researched and should help anyone wishing to take back their life with EOs for whatever reason or as a first line of defense when combatting whatever ails. They work slow, and like he says, there’s no ‘quick fix’. Respect for the power of a DROP of EO is fundamental at all times. They are highly concentrated so more is not the solution, actually less is truly more. A fun read/listening experience.
Angie Schoeneman
18 reviews2 followers
Interesting read if you’re into using essential oils for creating a healthier lifestyle. I found parts of this book to be far fetched...such as healing actual diseases with essential oils. However, it has a ton of great recipes for self care, cleaning products, beauty creams etc if you’re looking to cut out unnecessary harmful chemicals from your daily routine. I also really appreciated the information on aromatherapy. I didn’t agree with everything I read, but I did find that I actually learned quite a bit.
Debbie Westfall
1 review
Loved this Book Excellent information from an unbiased view based on research & not to promote a product. Easy to understand with step-by-step directions for recipes/blends for health, cleaning and other uses so people can take charge of their exposure to unknown toxins in products. I like how Dr. Z shared info. about different health conditions based on patients he’s seen. This book is a great resource for anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of essential oils.
Mrs J Fourie-Pollock
4 reviews
Amazing book I have read essential oils books but this one has everything you will need to get started with essential oils . All based around current research and medically orientated. Loads of recipes for every stage of your life . There is so much information with links to research and other information. I have implemented so many different changes to remove toxic chemicals from my home and personally.
A must if you want to start living the best life possibly.
202 reviews
Read as audiobook from Audible. Unfortunately this book does NOT come with a companion PDF of the recipes within the book making it a hard read as an audio book & prompting me to end up purchasing this book as there were a lot of recipes I wanted to try. Excellent beginner EO book, thus the reason I purchased. Well narrated...but I wouldn't recommend as audiobook because of the lack of the money & just buy the book! Also borrowed book from DC library prior to purchasing.
- 1-audiobook 1-book 2-borrowed
15 reviews1 follower
A very concise, easy to understand guide to start engaging in the world of aromatherapy. I have a few other books on the subject that have been intimidating. Dr. Z has an encouraging style and provides scientific research to support the healthy use of essential oils. A must read for anyone interested in this subject.
- aromatherapy christian-living living-purposefully
Michele Abercrombie
13 reviews9 followers
This book goes over essential oils, their benefits and how to mix them. The author references his relationship with God and Christianity throughout the book, which for me was a turn off. In my opinion it would be a much better read if it was inclusive to all people and didn't read like a tool for conversion.
Kathleen Harrison
18 reviews1 follower
Informative and an eye opener. I always used aromatherapy massage and a sprinkle of lavender on my pillow to sleep. Now I understand better how to get the very best from essential oils. I didn't know essential oils didn't mix with water. Book is very informative...An eye opener. To use oils in food mind blowing. Thank you.
1,346 reviews
I received a complimentary copy. I really enjoyed the information and hope to be able to use essential oils around my house so much more now. It is great and filled with wonderful tidbits that will help if you want to learn. I would highly recommend this book.