Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (2024)

Character page for the DreamWorks Animation film Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken.

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In General

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (1)

A family of sea creatures who decided to become domesticated in the seaside town of Oceanside. To its people, their outward weirdness is attributed to them being "Canadian".

  • Badass Family: Naturally, the women of the family (Agatha, Grandmamah, and Ruby) are warriors in their own right, with various superpowers in order to protect the oceans. That being said, the men aren't slouches in their own right. Arthur's an experienced sailor and Sam runs circles around anyone in dodgeball.
  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: The giant Kraken forms of the Gillman women all have distinctly colored glow on their bodies. This is apparent when they're fully submerged underwater.
  • Heroic Lineage: Crossed with Gender-Restricted Ability and Royalty Superpower; only the women within the family have the special ability to become giant, multi-tentacle warriors upon coming to contact with large bodies of water within minutes, however unlike past depictions, these Krakens are downright friendly, approachable and in Ruby's case, adorable.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The Gillmans are humanoid krakens passing themselves off as humans. While they wear human clothes, they still have many blatant non-human features such as their blue skin and gills on their neck. In spite of this, humans are none the wiser. When confronted, they claim that they're from Canada, which people seem to accept at face value.
  • Royalty Superpower: Ruby's family is descended from Kraken Royalty, and she's next in line to become the Princess of the Krakens by virtue of being the granddaughter of the Kraken Queen of the Seven Seas.
  • Rubber Man: A trait of their species; since they lack bones, they are able to stretch and contort their bodies in ways that would be impossible for humans.
  • Tentacle Hair: This is a trait of Ruby and other krakens’ character designs, in place of headlock hair or beards. It becomes more obvious when they are underwater and in their true kraken forms.

Ruby Gillman

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (2)

Click here to see Ruby's Kraken Form

Voiced by: Lana Condor

An awkward and shy high school sophom*ore who's a mathlete, tutor, and has an interest in marine life. Her organized life becomes disrupted upon accidentally activating her hidden royal Kraken abilities.

  • All-Loving Hero: Despite the history between Mermaids and Krakens, Ruby hopes for peace between them. Even after learning Chelsea's true nature, she still offers her a Last-Second Chance if she'll hand over the Trident peacefully. After Chelsea refuses, Ruby still doesn't allow Grandmamah to kill her.
    • She proved to be this even before she learned of the whole Mermaid/Kraken conflict, as when she was younger, she took care of a beached whale for seven hours before the tide brought him back in.
  • Arch-Enemy: Becomes one to Chelsea over time. Chelsea already had one in Ruby's own mom.
  • Awesome by Analysis: This is her biggest strength; unlike a good chunk of the cast, she doesn't think through problems, but rather around them, using her mathematical experience and the thinking skills she gets from it to find ways to deal with things other people have failed to handle. The biggest example of this is when she decides to destroy the Trident and her mother claims she tried and failed, Ruby fires back that concentrated fire from three Krakens will do the trick, which ends up being true.
  • Badass Adorable: She's downright adorable and lovable, especially when she's in her Kaiju-sized Kraken form which is just as cute as her humanoid self, if not cuter, though her Kraken form is quite powerful. To top it off, she personally destroys the Trident with help from her mom and grandma in order to defeat Chelsea and becoming Oceanside's Kraken defender.
  • Big Sister Instinct: During the climactic battle against Chelsea, after recovering from a pretty hard blow, she rushes at her when she sees her trying to hurt Sam when he defends his big sister.
  • Character Development: Starts out as an insecure teenage girl, then grows over the course of the film to a confident hero.
  • Commonality Connection: She defines herself as a Mathlete and her connection with Connor with equations makes her love him even more. They both also agree prom is a postcolonial patriarchal construct.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Her normal humanoid look when not transformed into her Kraken form is just downright adorable and huggable.
  • The Cutie: Both her humanoid and Kraken forms, both being full-on adorable everytime. Even Chelsea herself ends up pinching Ruby's cheeks at one point.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: After taking down Chelsea/Nerissa during the Final Battle which was also the same night as the big Prom dance, all of the fans who adored Chelsea before immediately flock over to Ruby when she steps onto the ship in a beautiful ocean-style dress after saving their lives, including the "marry me" sign girl.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After years of feeling like a freak, discovering her mom lied about her true Kraken nature and being betrayed by Chelsea, who turns out to be Queen Nerissa, Ruby manages to defeat Nerissa, save her friends, make amends with her mom, go to prom where she's hailed as a hero, becomes Connor's girlfriend and becoming Oceanside's personal Kraken protector of the Seas.
  • Endearingly Dorky: Probably a reason Connor is charmed by Ruby.
  • Freudian Slip: While chilling in the hallways in the film's opening act, Ruby reassures Connor's trust by trying to call him her "Alge-bro". Except she accidentally calls him her "Alge-bae" first. Luckily for her, Connor actually finds "Alge-bae" to be sweet.
  • Genius Bruiser: Ruby's established as being very skilled in calculus, to the point where she's a personal tutor to her crush Connor. Furthermore, she receives training from her grandmother to utilize her innate superpowers, including super strength, super speed, body armor, camouflage, massive size, and laser eye blasts. In the film's climax, Ruby's calculus knowledge becomes key in finding the way to destroy the Trident to defeat Chelsea, using her laser blasts in conjunction with her mom's and Grandmamah's, when the weapon was thought to be indestructible.
  • Heroic Lineage: Ruby's family is descended from Kraken Royalty, and she's next in line to become the Princess of the Krakens by virtue of being the granddaughter of the Kraken Queen of the Seven Seas. However, Ruby ultimately turns it down in order to protect Oceanside from various sea-related threats that also harm the surface.
  • I Am Who?: After recovering from her first full transformation, Ruby slowly unravels that she's not only a Giant Kraken, but she's also from a royal lineage that's sworn to protect the seas. Her opinion is very mixed, especially since this was hidden from her, and initially tries to find ways to avoid this destiny.
  • I Choose to Stay: After defeating Queen Nerissa/Chelsea by destroying the Trident, Ruby stays on land for good to defend Oceanside rather than taking up the Royal throne, becoming the town's personal defender against villainous sea creatures.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Ruby very much looks like her voice actor Lana Condor if she was a sea monster.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Connor. She's a warrior princess kraken who can turn into a kaiju kraken, and he's just a regular human high school student.
  • Kaiju: Becomes one in her true form, much like her mother and grandmother before her.
  • Nice Girl: She is very friendly, welcoming, and supportive towards her family and friends.
  • Pubescent Braces: Adding to her youthful teen appearance, her introductory scene reveals that she wears removable braces in her sleep.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Ruby's Giant Kraken form changes her skin tone from light blue to purple. This form is shown to quite formidable, thanks to its extreme size and incredible abilities.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Connor, whom already liked her before knowing she's a kraken.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: Her normal "human" form retroactively becomes this. It's shown that Ruby can access her laser eye beams, along with the general malleability of her kraken species. However, the full extent of her incredible monstrous abilities is only unlocked after she turns into a Giant Kraken, which only royal women in the Gillman bloodline can access.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: She normally dresses casually to not draw attention to her but after finally getting to go to prom (with a major confidence boost), she arrives in a stunning oceanic dress that draws everyone’s attention (including Connor).
  • Shrinking Violet: Ruby's prominent personality trait, as she doesn't try to draw attention to her inherent weirdness as a sea creature posing as a human. She grows out of this mindset after defeating Chelsea, and becomes a more confident heroine to Oceanside as their Kraken protector.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Probably the reason she fell in love with Connor. Besides her squad solitary of friends, Connor is the only student who treats her like a person with kindness and compliments instead of seeing her like a freak.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Ruby has a crush on Connor, a fairly nice skater boy who she helps as his math tutor.
  • Stumbling in the New Form: Her second time accidentally transforming gives Ruby a ton of literal growing pains to walk off. While trying to hide herself from others on Oceanside, she's quickly realized how gigantic she is on land, and has a new third leg that accidentally crushed a sign. Her third time underwater, to a lesser extent, has Ruby trying to figure out how to properly swim along with Uncle Brill.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: She won't kill Nerissa or allow her grandmother to do it. Her plan for ending their conflict is to destroy the Trident of Oceanus, preventing Nerissa from carrying out her plan and leaving no further reason to fight, while also assuring that Chelsea can't transform back into said form.

Agatha Gillman

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (3)

Click here to see Agatha's Kraken Form

Voiced by: Toni Collette

The real estate breadwinner of the family, Agatha chose to leave her royal duties to live a human lifestyle with her husband Arthur. She's an understanding but cautious parent of Ruby and Sam, hoping to keep them from discovering the truths of the oceans.

  • The Ace: In the film, she's praised for being a successful real estate agent. Likewise, when she was still a princess, her mother praised her for singlehandedly turning the tides on the original Mermaid and Kraken war. Agatha seemingly defeated Nerissa the Mermaid Queen long ago (when in reality she went into hiding and turned into her human form Chelsea), and sealed the Trident to prevent the evil Mermaid Queen from acquiring it. She also helps defend Ruby during the Final Battle and helps her destroy the Trident to defeat Nerissa.
  • Bespectacled Cutie: Her domesticated persona sports round glasses that compliment her slender appearance and motherly kindness towards others, making Agatha more adorable.
  • Expy: of Balthazor Hellman from Neighbors from Hell. both are strict, both are Beloved Smothers and both want their children to not be too curious.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Mother: Agatha generally wants to keep Ruby from getting too intrigued by the secrets of the seas. In the opening act, she derides Ruby getting into human-written marine biology books as nonsense. This extends to preventing Ruby from learning about her royal family more than she absolutely has to when circ*mstances force her hand. She insists on wanting her children to live a normal human life. She finally grows out of this after the battle with Chelsea/Nerissa ends with her and her daughter becoming Oceanside's Kraken protectors.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The "responsible" to Brill's "foolish" nature. Unlike the fairly man-child behavior of Brill, Agatha is a mature, fairly well-received real estate mother of two children and a husband.
  • Mama Bear: When calling out on her mother's strict and controlling behavior, Agatha points out the difference between their fighting spirits: Grandmamah loves to fight for the sake of it (thus endangering her fellow Krakens), while Agatha explicitly fights to defend her children and husband. This is shown in the climax when she helps defend her daughter Ruby from harm's way of Queen Nerissa and plans to resume her rematch with her. Ruby is forced back into the fight when both Agatha and Grandmamah are put on the ropes. She also throws a house at Nerissa when she tries to harm Sam for defending Ruby.
  • Prim and Proper Bun: She wears her "hair" in this style, in keeping with her job as a respectable real estate agent.
  • Rebellious Princess: After the war between the Mermaids and Krakens ended, Agatha chose to reject the throne and run away from her mother's controlling presence.
  • Retired Badass: The strongest warrior of the Krakens; she ended up leaving that life behind to raise her family on land.

Arthur Gillman

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (4)

Voiced by: Colman Domingo

A sailor in his own right, he's the non-royal supportive husband of Agatha and father of Ruby and Sam.

  • ASMR Video: Arthur has a hobby livestream web series involving bottled ships in this style. He speaks with a low, whispering tone while carefully fiddling with the ship models inside. He reveals to have made a bottled ship with a tiny sized version of Ruby's Kraken form protecting it, to honor his daughter's heroism.
  • Big Fun: He's pretty big and sports a friendly personality, as shown in one theater spot where he encourages the family to have a normal human day.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Arthur's visibly more rotund compared to his slender, conventionally attractive wife. However, compared to the occasionally unshapely Brill, he's still overall cuddly and approachable.

Sam Gillman

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (5)

Voiced by: Blue Chapman

A spunky half-pint second grader who's very proficient in dodgeball. He tends to get on his older sister's nerves at times.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: He has his tendencies to be overly nosy or confrontational with his older sister Ruby. For example, he extends his legs to try and tower over Ruby in the family huddle, only for Ruby to quickly adjust him down to his usual pint size. The closest he's gotten to being unbearable to Ruby was his insensitive questions about her new Kraken abilities, where Ruby impulsively threatens to strangle him with her superpowered tentacles.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: As much as he pushes his sister's buttons, he's quick to try and defend her against Queen Nerissa.
  • Badass Adorable: It's established in the film that he's really handy with dodgeballs, which is how he's able to easily take out his classmates. He's even brave enough to try and defend his sister from Queen Nerissa, throwing some of his dodgeballs to distract her to buy Ruby a bit of time to recover. Showing that he's just as much of a Kraken Warrior as much as his mother and sister, even if he can't turn into a true Kraken.
  • Be the Ball: After the Gillmans' secret is revealed favorably, he records himself becoming a living dodgeball against his classmates and gym teacher. He takes them all out in one attack, while dubbing himself a legend.
  • The Cutie: Just look at him! He's just as adorable as his sister if not more so.
  • Dodgeball Is Hell: In the film, it's shown that Sam is ludicrously skilled at knocking out his whole gym class (and teacher) with one dodgeball throw. After the Gillmans' secret come out, he doubles down by showing he can use his rubbery ball body to turn himself into a living dodgeball.


Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (6)

The family sea pet of the Gillmans, who particularly has a fondness for Ruby.

  • Action Pet: Nessie has her moments of being in action. She disguised himself with Christmas lights at sea, pretending to be a glowing kraken, in order to throw off Gordon Lighthouse's trail in trying to capture the giant Kraken version of Ruby.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Nessie, despite being an aquatic creature, behaves similarly to a domesticated dog. She whimpers, pants, and wears a dog collar. Concept art featuring her goes further by having her be walked around like a dog.
  • Sapient Pet: Very perceptive, despite being considered akin to a non-talking dog. Nessie primarily looks out for Ruby in various human-like ways, such as pretending to be a sleeping Ruby under bed sheets, or sniffing out and pantomiming why Ruby's saltwater breath and exposure will possibly get her mother's attention.


Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (7)

Voiced by: Sam Richardson

The goofy brother of Agatha Gillman, and the uncle to Ruby and Sam Gillman. After Ruby accidentally activates "the call", upon her first transformation, he's sent to inform and guide Ruby on her royal lineage.

  • Big Sister Worship: He admits to Ruby that he's always looked up to Agatha. He even gives her motivation when she briefly has her Heroic BSoD by telling her that he knew why Agatha renounced her title and left the ocean: She chooses Ruby over the throne.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: While Ruby confronts him about getting answers about her heritage, Brill panics out loud about revealing that Ruby has a living royal grandmother, knowing his sister will eventually be mad about him being a bad secret keeper. Oops...
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The "foolish" to Agatha's "responsible" nature. Brill has his moments of being pretty sensitive and well-meaning, but he can't help himself from being a scatterbrained goof by default.
  • Late to the Action: Brill eventually catches up to the seaport battle between the Gillman women against Queen Nerissa. Unfortunately, he arrives just as things died down. Though he finally gets the heartfelt hug from Grandmamah to compensate.
  • Naked on Arrival: Brill first comes to the surface naked before he puts some clothes on after arriving at the Gillman residence. Considering the Gillmans' sea monster heritage, it doesn't bother them too much.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Despite being foolish and a bad secret keeper, even he doesn't like Agatha keeping secrets from Ruby and tries to convince her to trust Ruby with knowing the whole story.

    Brill: (to Agatha) At least tell Ruby the whole truth.

  • Plucky Comic Relief: Besides Sam, he is the most outwardly silly family member of the Gillman family tree. In the film, he's very much a fast-talker, occasionally scatterbrained, and tends to be the Butt-Monkey in slapstick.
  • The Unfavorite: Downplayed; it's implied that Grandmamah can be dismissive of him because he's not a kraken warrior like his sister or niece. He states he can handle it, but is clearly disappointed to be snubbed.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Brill really likes corn dogs on the surface, or "stick snacks," as he calls them.


Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (8)

Voiced by: Jane Fonda

The long-ruling Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas, who had defended her kingdom of Krakens from various sea creatures who maliciously seek to overthrow her. She has been looking for a successor for some time, and is delighted to find out her granddaughter Ruby could be the one.

  • Blood Knight: Pointed out by Agatha; where she fights to protect her family, Grandmamah just wants to fight for the sake of it.
  • Control Freak: Very much so, as she was such to her own Rebellious Princess daughter Agatha, and was the reason Agatha renounced the Royal Kraken throne after she ended the original War between Mermaids and Krakens, simply to get away from her. She becomes one again to Ruby to get her to ascend to the throne, which she ultimately rejects due to wanting to live her life as a normal teenager. While she still insists on getting Ruby to ascend to the throne after the issue with Chelsea/Nerissa is dealt with, she allows Agatha to raise Ruby her way without Grandmamah interfering (as in her words: "Mothers know best"), which is implied at the end with Ruby and Agatha taking up the role of Oceanside's protectors.
  • Evil Matriarch: She leans closer to the sitcom comedic side, where she's less evil, but can be pretty domineering and antagonistic towards her own daughter, Agatha. This is boosted by her conservative values and love for warring, which eventually warded away her daughter (and thus her own grandkids) for more than a decade. Despite this, she's still heroic in her own right which shows when she arrives to defend her daughter from Nerissa.
  • Humans Are Morons: She holds this opinion very strongly due to the fact that humans love the very evil Mermaids and think of the heroic Krakens as shipwrecking monsters, especially in the trailers, and occasionally questions why her daughter and granddaughter seem to have a fondness for them. While the humans of Oceanside eventually start to wisen up a bit once they see Chelsea turn into the fearsome Nerissa and attack the town for real, it wasn't enough to change Grandmamah's opinion of them as a whole, though at least they're now treated more as protectors of the seas.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: When Nerissa is trash-talking her daughter:

    Grandmamah: No one talks to my daughter like that! Except for me.

  • Mama Bear: In relation to her daughter Agatha, Queen Grandmamah is an established warrior who has fought and commanded the front lines of their various wars for years. When Agatha intends on facing off against her reemerged arch-nemesis Queen Nerissa alone as payback for hurting Ruby, Grandmamah makes a surprise appearance in the surface water battle herself, with the intent of defending her daughter and granddaughter in spite of her old age.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Agatha directly accuses Grandmamah of straining their relationship by being a controlling presence on her, as a daughter who only wants to do her own thing. Grandmamah casually retorts that Agatha's behavior towards her own daughter Ruby isn't that different from her own, just executed differently.


Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (9)

Click here to see Queen Nerissa

Voiced by: Annie Murphy

A snobbish mermaid-turned-human and the popular new girl at Oceanside High. She's actually Agatha Gillman's Arch-Enemy Queen Nerissa, seeking to manipulate her daughter Ruby for her own nefarious ends, mostly towards Ruby's family.

  • Actually, I Am Him: She claims to be the daughter of the deceased Queen of the mermaids, Nerissa, when revealing her mermaid nature to Ruby. Its not until Ruby gives her the trident of Oceanus and with it, the power to fight and potentially kill a Giant Kraken in a fight that she drops the act and reveals she's actually Nerissa herself.
  • Alpha Bitch: Initially, it's downplayed; Chelsea is somewhat smug, but this gradually subsides as she bonds with Ruby. However, right after she acquires the trident, she's ultimately revealed to be much worse than the average.
  • Arch-Enemy: She eventually becomes one to Ruby Gillman. Though as Nerissa, she already had a vendetta against Agatha Gillman, so it was only natural she would declare Ruby as one as well.
  • Big Bad: She becomes this over the course of the film, after initially posing herself as a popular friend who's positioned herself as being secretly relatable.
  • Big Bad Friend: As Chelsea, she becomes Ruby’s friend who helps her become a bolder individual while manipulating her into giving her the Trident of Oceanus. She ends up using it to restore her original power, growing into a comparable giant to destroy Oceanside and take revenge against Ruby's mother Agatha, forcing Ruby to fight her.
  • Broken Pedestal: To Ruby and everyone on the Oceanside High School (minus Connor, Margot, Trevin and Bliss). When Ruby realized she was being used to get the trident, she's heartbroken realizing Nerissa never had intentions to unite the krakens and the mermaids. And while fighting her in the climax, she calls her out, revealing her true identity to everyone, being horrified while being filmed in public.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: She's an expy of Ariel, except with none of her good-natured and heroic qualities, though she does have some sympathy for Ruby, even though that doesn't last, especially once her true self is revealed. She does borrow some elements from Ursula/Vanessa, like disguising herself as a young girl and taking credit for saving someone the heroine rescued from drowning.
  • Create Your Own Hero: Though she was using Ruby the whole time, Chelsea underestimated how pushing Ruby out of her comfort zones would cause her to become a powerful successor to her motherly figures and ultimately powerful and skilled enough to defeat her.
  • Decoy Backstory: Chelsea tells Ruby that she's the Nerissa's daughter, and wants to steal the trident to get revenge on the kraken who killed her. At the climax, it turns out that Nerissa didn't have a daughter, and Chelsea was her in disguise all along.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • She deeply and genuinely cared about her mother, Nerissa, who was the evil Mermaid Queen that plotted against the Kraken Kingdom. Subverted when it turns out that "her mother" is actually herself, which fits with her underlying narcissism.
    • She cared about her kind as she wanted to avenge them by attempting to kill both Agatha and Grandmamah.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: The girls end up falling in love with Chelsea as much as the boys after she takes credit for saving Connor, with one, in particular, wanting to marry her. This later changes after the Final Battle when her true colors are revealed.
  • Evil Redhead: Chelsea has bright red hair and is the villain of the film.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Ruby, her mom and grandma destroy the Trident of Oceanus in order to stop Nerissa and thus changing her back into her normal Chelsea form permanently. Ruby considers this a far better fate than having Grandmamah outright vaporize her as she can't transform back into a monster without the Trident's power, leaving her stuck in her Chelsea form forever and with her reputation ruined.
  • Hidden Depths: Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (10)Word of God is that Nerissa wasn’t lying about mermaids having gone into hiding for the last fifteen years and that she genuinely understood Ruby’s loneliness.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • After revealing her true colors to Ruby, she taunts her by calling her a dumb, gullable teenager for helping her get the Trident of Oceanus.
    • She severely damaged the house of the expecting married couple that Agatha just sold to them earlier in the film.
    • She taunts Ruby again by telling her how she’ll never win and mocks her as being pathetic for thinking that someone like her would ever be friends with a “monster” like her. This is ultimately what leads to Ruby defeating her.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Holding the Trident of Oceanus allows her to become as big as a Kraken.
  • Narcissist: Like all mermaids, she thinks herself the most beautiful creature in the world.
  • Older Than They Look: She claims mermaids do not age, and she herself can readily pass herself off as a high school student despite being a contemporary of Ruby's mother Agatha at minimum.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: Genuinely acts like a conniving, immature teenager despite being way older; even after her defeat she doesn't spend her time while imprisoned plotting revenge, rather worrying about not appearing well-presented in a livestream.
  • Redemption Rejection: Ruby offers her a Last-Second Chance to hand over the Trident peacefully and avoid further conflict. She refuses.
  • Revenge: After getting the trident and burying Ruby under some rocks, the first thing she does is seek out Agatha so she can pay her back for her past defeat.
  • Skewed Priorities: After her defeat and capture she ends up entirely concerned with her image during a livestream, even worrying about her hair despite her predictament.
  • Villainous Rescue: She rescues Ruby from a trap of Gordon Lighthouse, revealing herself as a mermaid, while telling her she owed her a rescue since she took credit of hers for saving Connor.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's impossible to talk about her without revealing that not only are she and her mother Nerissa one and the same, but that she's the main antagonist of the film.


Voiced by: Liza Koshy

A dramatic girl and Ruby’s best friend.

  • Ambiguously Gay: She mentions Kayla invited her to prom, which she accepted. And she wears an LGBTQ suit bow in the prom. She even dances with her after the climax.
  • Muggle Best Friend: To Ruby. She's the one who interacts the most among their friend group. And the one who advices her to go big with her prom proposal to Connor via giving her a party cannon, which leads to Ruby sending poor Connor into the ocean and forcing Ruby to save him, unintentionally trigger her Kraken transformation for the first time.
  • Large Ham: She's quite dramatic in actions or words alike, such as trying to persuade Ruby to defy her mother's orders and go to prom.
  • Shipper on Deck: She supports Ruby wanting to invite Connor to go to prom. She's even pleasantly surprised when after Connor asked her where's Ruby, she noticed he had a rose for Ruby in his backpack. She also looks excited when Ruby is about to talk to Connor after ther climax.


Voiced by: Eduardo Franco

A gamer and one of Ruby's friends.

  • Small Role, Big Impact: Though he's a part of Ruby's entourage, he doesn't initially contribute much. Except when he boosts Gordon Lighthouse's fanatic video, showing off Ruby's accidental stomp through the town's grasslands, to his over 107,000 streaming followers. This is not only creates more fear about the presence of sea monsters, but inadvertently emboldens Capt. Lighthouse's efforts in temporarily snagging the Kraken sized Ruby.
  • Tiny-Headed Behemoth: He is a pretty tall kid and has a rather small head compared to his body.


Voiced by: Ramona Young

A goth girl and one of Ruby's friends.

  • Doomsayer: A particular quirk of her. Margot dubs it as "catastrophizing", whenever Bliss reads too deeply into something that could have mildly troubling implications, at best, to ludicrous extremes.
  • Ironic Name: Her name is "Bliss", yet she spends most of her time thinking about potential disasters (something decidely less than blissful).
  • Perky Goth: She is a goth, due to her having dark clothes and dark makeover, though initially lacking the black hair at the start of the film with her hair dyed a dark green, she fully switches to black in time for the big Prom dance and witnessing the battle between Nerissa and Ruby. She also has a penchant for "catastrophizing", as in predicting bad things that happen, but most of it never happens.


Voiced by: Jaboukie Young-White

A student at Oceanside High School on whom Ruby has a crush. Unbeknownst to Ruby, he also has a crush on her.

  • Commonality Connection: He has a common love for equations and maths with Ruby. It helps that she's her math tutor. They both also agree prom is a postcolonial patriarchal construct.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Ruby. She's a warrior princess kraken who can turn into a kaiju kraken, and he's just a regular human high school student.
  • Nice Guy: He is a chill and nice student, who likes to skateboard, and doesn't judge or ignore Ruby at all. He values Ruby for teaching him math, and he likes when Ruby calls him "My Alge-bae"/"Alge-bro". They eventually become a couple after the battle with Nerissa ends and after a few days has passed.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Ruby, whom already had a crush on him.
  • Satellite Love Interest: After his introduction, most of his screen time is centered around Ruby in some way, whether he's awkwardly relating to her, or wondering about her whereabouts throughout the film.

Gordon Lighthouse

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (11)

Voiced by: Will Forte (English), Christophe Lemoine (European French)

A rusty old sailor acting as a tour guide around Oceanside, using his amphibious boat bus. He moonlights as a sea monster hunter who targets sea monsters like krakens.

  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Upon finding out the Gillman family are krakens, he starts pleading for his life before Arthur slaps him.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He's initially positioned as a potential enemy against the Gillmans, being one of the few Oceanside residents who has stronger suspicions about them. Furthermore, he's actively against sea monsters, and surprisingly packing dangerous tools. However, it's quickly shown that when he doesn't have things under control, he quickly breaks down.
  • Expy: Is one to Captain Ahab right down to the point where they could very well be descendants, though swapping out hunting Moby Dick for hunting Krakens and then finally a Mermaid.
  • Heel Realization: He realizes he misjudged krakens after finding out the Gillmans were Krakens when Arthur smacks some sense into him and helping them against Nerissa by bagging her when she returns to her Chelsea form, in which her reputation is utterly ruined via his Livestream of her capture.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He and Davey help the Gillmans capture Nerissa after the latter changed back to her Chelsea form.
  • Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Trailer: Didn't appear prominently on the marketing for the film.
  • Shout-Out: To famous Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot and again to Captain Ahab.


Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (12)

Gordon's pet crab who also helps him at hunting sea monsters.

  • Heel–Face Turn: He and Gordon help the Gillmans capture Nerissa after the latter changed back to her Chelsea form.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Gordon can apparently understand him even though he only ever makes noise with his claws.
  • Shout-Out: His name might be a reference to Davy Jones.
  • Silent Snarker: Gordon seems to find him this whenever things don't go their way.
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.