Married To My Sister's Husband novel read online free Chapter 15 (2024)


He must be in shock to see me in this dress, maybe even wondering where I intend on wearing it to.

It was a sky blue long-straight cut gown draped with a lace fabric and a deep V-neck, which left my shoulder and upper chest exposed. It's slit was up to my thigh, and my silver heels made my legs looked longer than they were.

I put on a pair of earrings my mom had bought for Sophy but couldn't give it to her due to her untimely demise, then regifted it to me after her burial. It was not a loud piece, but it was hard to miss.

Markian seems captivated because he has been staring at me without saying a word, and I just stood there.

He is wearing a hand tailored maroon twilight fog 2piece with a burgundy colored tie and white shirt with match tie color shoe. He had some silver cuffs, a burgundy pocket filler and a Blancpain Aqua Lung Grande Date timepiece, just so exquisite.

He was looking so good and had his hair combed to the side and slightly backwards. I couldn't wait to be seen in public with him, or so I thought.

After a while he finally spoke, breaking the awkward


"Where are you going looking like that?" he asked clearing his throat like he had something stuck in it.

I looked at him in surprise, "we got an invitation to the birthday party of Mr. Bernard Gracía, who happens to be an acquaintance of my mother. So, I'll be going with you."

Wow, such confidence Livy, where did it come from? My heart was beating fast because I don't know what to expect him to say next.

But nothing was going to stop me now I've said it, I'm going to go with or without him, I thought as I turned my back to him and tried to fixing my hair and makeup.

"So, who do you want to go as, my date or my wife?" he asked sending me into befuddlement.

What kind of question is this? How on earth do I answer such a question? If I say as his wife, I might annoy him. But if I say as his date, I might just lose my one chance to be seen in public as his wife.

"Who I'm I to you?" I asked in a haste, and quickly regretted why I even tried.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked back with a devilish smirk that made him look more handsome and dangerous at the same time, oh God.

My heart skipped a beat, do I really want him to say it? Can't we just go together like a normal couple, what's the deal with him?

"I'm going...with or without you." I said in a choked voice barely audible, but he heard me. I know he did, because his expression quickly turned into a more cunning and sinister one.

I looked at him through the mirror as he took a step towards me while I got up from the chair, facing him I took a step backwards. With every step he took towards me, I took one backwards until there was no room for me to escape.

He finally caught up with me and pinned me to the wall roughly. I winced from the pain, but he didn't flinch.

Barely 18 hrs ago, he was eager to help me and aid me while I was in pain, but now, he was back to being his mean old self again.

I should have known it wasn't going to last, I thought as I stifled the tears that were about to escape my eyes and ruin my makeup.

He held my jaw and lifted my face upwards to look at him, and I obeyed. It was futile fighting him now, I won't win. Suddenly, I've lost all my will and power. So much for the big talks.

"Do you dare to defile me?!" He asked with so much fleer.

Why do i even bother? For a moment there I must have really believed he and I could be a happy couple. I had forgotten about all I did, and how my transgressions had landed me here.

I should never had tried to push Sophy away in an attempt to take her place. I shouldn't have done the things I did just to get Markian by my side.

"You' me Markian" I managed to cry out, but he didn't care.

One of his hand held both of mine tightly in place right above my head, while his other hand moved from my face to my neck then to my cleavage,

"...And you would do that while wearing such a provocative clothing and putting on so much makeup? Just who are you meeting up with?" he asked.

I looked him in the eyes, and I saw it. It was the same look he had last night when we almost got intimate.

Does he think I'm dressed like these to meet someone else? Could it be that Markian was jealous? It can't be.

For Markian to be jealous it means I actually had to have an effect on him somehow. I mean, the man said he can't even pretend to like me. Who says that to a woman they just pinned to the bed and touched to lovingly? I meant nothing to him, so why does he care what I wear?

"Fine, I'll take it all off, the dress even the makeup, everything. It wasn't my intention to defile you, so I'll stay here at the hotel, I won't go to the party with you." I said, loosing all will to fight.

"Like hell you won't. It appears I can't trust you to leave you by yourself for even an hour, so you are coming with me as my date. But you are not wearing that," he affirmed strongly, pointing me from head to toe.

I was confused now, what do I wear then? I didn't mind that, above all, he really wants me to go with him now?

He let me go and stepped backwards scoffing, then I realized I was actually smiling.

"Don't get any funny ideas, you are only going because I can't keep my eyes off you for a moment. I'm not going to let you bring shame and reproach to me, my company or my family, so you must be very careful with how you galavant and who you are seen with. And if anyone finds out we're married, that would be the end of...these." he added point at me and back to himself.

At these point my smile faded and my heart sank. He pulled out a box from the wardrobe and left it on the bed, telling me to meet him downstairs when I'm done, and left the room.

I sluggishly walked up to the bed and opened the box to see a burgundy velvet asymmetric-shoulder one-sleeve midi dress and matching Lakeshi metal carved heels.

They looked beautiful, and matched Markian's tie but I was feeling too down to appreciate their beauty.

The whole point of wanting to go with him was so people would see us together and congratulate or even admire us as a couple, but I've just been told if that happens, it would be the end of our marriage.

I tried to clean off my makeup and was stunned to see my reflection in the mirror looking so pale and out of color. I put on some nude, not elaborate but still beautiful, though not enough to turn heads.

I put on the dress and looked in the mirror, they were my perfect size. I wondered how that was possible but I didn't dwell on the thought for long.

I put my hair up in an elegant bun and loose curls when I realized the jewelry I was putting on was an eye catcher, so I took it off and headed out.

I wasn't up for the party anymore and my evening was ruin, so I didn't say a word all through the drive to the city.


I was starting to have a soft spot for Livy, but if these goes on, I might just have to end this marriage.

For the first time in my life today, I went shopping to get a dress for her. I had been married for 2yrs to Sophy, but even at that time I never went shopping.

I had given her gifts but they had been either what my secretary picked out or something I had seen online and purchased it for her.

I can't lie but my mind went on a frenzy when I saw her in that dress. I really wanted to rip it off her body and give her a nice rough-hot banging before handing her the dress I spent half of my afternoon picking out for her.

No way was I going to let any one see her in such a provocative dress.

She came out looking more beautiful as she walk out the lobby of the hotel, wearing the dress and shoe I got her.

Her hair was up in a bun and I didn't like that. Her feminise call out profoundly each time her hair is in a bun, and there was going to be hot-blooded males at the party we would be attending.

So, as she got in the car, I let her hair down before I shut her door and got in the car. But somehow she looked even more seductive than before with her hair down and beautifully messy.

I moved close to her, but she pulled back bringing me back to my senses.

What was I about to do, kiss her? Markian, control yourself, it's just Livy. I pulled her seatbelt and strapped her in and we started our journey to the city which was a 20mins drive.

It was awkwardly quiet, and I wondered why? She seemed to have been quite chatty and confident back at the hotel, why is she so quiet now? Why wasn't she talking and laughing as she was doing last night with that man?

I immediately got overwhelmed with rage as I replayed seeing them together, so I stepped on the gas and didn't glance her way until we got to the Gracía's home.

It was a beautiful grandiose mansion, not as grand as the Winfrey's deluxe vacation home in the Bahamas but it's a worthy adversary.

We got out of the car and headed inside, Livy was keeping her distance which made the servants at the door give us a weird look, so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closed to me.

She tried to resist, but I told her it was only customary.

Is she ashamed to be seen with me? Or is she just not willing to let her lover see me holding on to her like this? I wondered how that man's face would be like if he saw me holding her so closely, would they have a huge fight? I hoped and unconsciously smirked.

We joined the party, and just like I was being expected I got swamped by lots of people who I've either done business with or maybe wants to do business with me, and within seconds Livy was no longer in my arms.

The emptiness i felt not having her close was strange, but I shook it off. I can't grow too close to that wench, she's dangerous and had only been a constant reminder of what I've lost and would never get back.

I chatted and made small talks with everyone who had approached me, business talks of course. Anyone who tried to bring up my late wife, I found a way to change the topic.

After awhile, I found Livy by herself having a drink. She must have been very bored because she had her eyes on her phone.

"Care for a dance?" I heard a voice ask her from behind and I froze.

Who is this clown and how dare he ask my date for a dance? Before she could reply, I interrupted taking her hand and kissing the back courteously.

I saw both their eyes light up in surprise, but I didn't mind the young man as he slipped away quietly.

I stood by her still holding her hand as I took her glass of drink with my other hand and drank from it, I was at least grateful it was a non alcoholic wine.

Every attempt I took to keep this thirst hot-blooded men away from her was futile, and I was starting to get frustrated and agitated.

"You know parties like these are opportunities to make acquaintances and connections. Rather than stand here all alone and boring, why don't you go talk with other ladies here and share gossips or ideas on how to steal other people's husbands? I'm sure they would learn a lot from you." i said sarcastically, as she immediately snatched her hand away from me.

I snickered at her attempt to ignore me and was about to continue, when I perceived a scent I remembered all too well. I turned to see her standing just few inches away.

Felicity wore a red deep-cut v-neck off shoulder long gown laced with a train behind and a very high slit. She was wearing glass heels that matched her diamond neck and earring piece.

She had her makeup done to its fullest with an elaborate cherry red matte lipstick on. She looked like it's her birthday party and not her husband's. Trust Felicity to steal the spotlights everytime.


He is finally here, I thought in relief, but who was that with him?

She reminds me of the story of the 'little mermaid'- fresh out of the waters with no clue whatsoever, searching for the prince she saved. She looked so -so basic.

She must be his assistant, but I thought Markian doesn't like female assistants? I tried to walk up to him, but it seemed word had gone out that he would be at this party, so these favor-thirsty gnomes beat me to him.

I didn't want to interrupt, I did promise he could probably meet potential investors afterall.

Having exchanged greetings with everyone, and my husband having retired to his chambers, I was bored so I focused my attention on the 'little mermaid'.

She looks so frail and weak, Markian hates weakness which made me wonder even more, why her?

She had her eyes on him the whole time, but when he looks at her direction, she quickly avert her eyes.

I scoffed, she must be in love with him. I didn't care about her hopeless romantics, but for some reason I felt threatened when I saw Markian staring back at her.

He quickly walked towards her, taking her hand and kissing it the moment he saw someone trying to approach her.

I was stunned, baffled, and curious now to find out who she really was.

He said something to her that made her take back her hand from his while he snickered, and that didn't seem right at all.

I walked up to them but didn't say anything, and like back in the days, he sensed me and turned to find me.

"I'm so glad you made it, Marley" I said joyfully while hugging him.

I don't care if people see, I just wanted to make a point to 'little Mermaid' here that I had my eyes on Markian first, unless she wanted to share.

I held him so passionately while I attempted to whisper in his ears but it came out edible enough for her to hear.

"For a moment there, I thought I might have come on a bit too strong with the passionate kiss we shared yesterday." I cooed.

I wanted to tell him how tonight had been such an ordeal for me, but I couldn't. No, I just didn't want to remember the bad things especially now my 'knight' was here.

I grabbed his shirt by the collar and drew him in for a deep hug. It was very peaceful and warm, I found it hard to let go.

I found myself kiss his neck, then his face and was about to kiss his lips but he stopped me, why did he stop me?

My heart sank at the rejection, 'way to go Livy, you got rejected twice in one night'.

I laughed out hysterically at my sadness as I watched him look at me in confusion.

He came close to me and sniffed my mouth, "Livy, are you drunk?" he questioned.

Of course I was drunk, it was my first time afterall. I felt like jumping into a river and drowning my sorrows away, but I didn't do that, I just had a drink.

I shook my head in denial, but he knew I was lying. He took my hand by the wrist but I flinched at the pain, then he looked at my wrist and all colour left his face.

I followed his eyes to my wrist as I saw they were sore from where Markian had held me few hours ago. I hid them behind my back but he dragged them to the light.

"Livy, who did these to you?" I just sat there smiling at how handsome he looked when he is worried.

"Livy, who did these to you? goddamnit!" he cussed in anger, jolting me back to my senses- barely.

I stopped smiling and then the tears started rolling down again. He wasn't immune to my tear like Markian was, so his anger faded away as quickly as it appeared.

He hugged me so sweetly and tenderly, I wanted to stay in his arms for a while longer.

"Markian did these to you right? He-hurts you?" he asked, and when I didn't reply he tried to pull me away to look at my face, but I held on to him and begged for a little more time with the hug.

His heart was aching just as mine was. He made my pain his, and I wondered why he cared so much if he wouldn't even kiss me?

We finally broke from the hug, then he asked me again, "did Markian hurt you?".

I nodded and then the anger rushed back, evident on his face.

"He said I defiled him because I wanted to come to this party with him. He was so angry but I wasn't sure why, I didn't do anything wrong." I sobbed then continued.

"If I had done something wrong, I would have apologized but I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. My marriage is a nightmare, and I don't know where to start from to make amends. I know I did wrong by not keeping to our agreement, but now I really wished I did."

Daniel held my hands consoling me as I felt more tears running down my face.

"Livy, you told me you couldn't stand to watch Markian get hurt because of your decision, and that was the only reason I let you go to the courthouse that day. If I had know you would be the one suffering today, I never would have taken you there." He told me honestly.

"It wasn't your fault, I should have thought better. I thought it was alright if I was the only unhappy person in the relationship, but I thought wrong. Markian hurts everyday because of me and I have only one option left." I spoke in agony and in tears.

He stared at my revelation and asked, "what option is left?"

And I replied, "divorce..."

"Livy, you are drunk and you are not thinking straight. Let me take you back to the hotel so you can rest."

I held his collar again and pulled him till we were just inches away, "He is cheating on me...Markian-is having an affair, and I can't do anything about it because no one must know we are married...He threatened me tonight with a divorce, so now you see why that's my last resort."

Daniel's face fell as he looked at me in disbelief. I let him go and tugged at my ring trying to pull it off, but he held my hands.

"Livy...Livy? Enough! It's ok, just let me take you back to the hotel. By tomorrow morning you can speak with Markian and ask him if he is having an affair or not. You are not in the right state of mind to make any decision right now, ok? For my sake at least, let's drop this for tonight, please?" He pleaded and I nodded in agreement.

I had already made a decision in these state, I thought as he helped me up but with my broken ankle I couldn't stand properly. He supported me with his shoulder, keeping me steady.

I scoffed at the thought that I was almost about to kiss Daniel, 'what was I thinking?' Even if I wanted to start an affair with him, he would refuse instantly.

He loved his cousin too much to hurt him, and respects me enough to not let me get entangled in such a mess as an affair.

I appreciated him so much for that as I laid my throbbing head on his slanted shoulder.

We were about to get in his car when a hand held my wrist so tight I cringed in pain.

The force pulled me away from Daniel, spinning me around I almost collided with the person responsible for such recklessness.

I looked up in pain and anger to see Markian.

He backed the streetlights that illuminated the driveway, making it hard for me to see his face, but I could feel his breathe on my face, and he was not happy.


Phone rings... 'Yes?'

'I'm in, all that's left is for our target to return from her honeymoon'.

'You know there's no room for mistakes, unless you want to go back to begging for scrapes at that local diner you worked at, that couldn't even save your father's life'.

'I know exactly what to do, and I promise to bring results. My only wish is to destroy the Luthels, and i'ld do anything to make sure that happens'.

'Good. Our hatred for the Luthels is the only thing that binds us, but don't forget that just hatred won't get the job done. Proper planning and execution of our plan is very essential for our success, so be guided and don't mess this up.'

'Understood boss.'

'Keep me updated on any and everything, I want to know what is happening at all times.'

'I'll do just that boss.' disconnects.

The Luthels took away everything from me, and I aware to avenge my father's death even with the last drop of my blood. My target? Luthel Inc's heiress, Olivia Markian Winfrey

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    Married To My Sister's Husband novel read online free Chapter 15 (2024)
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    Author: Frankie Dare

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    Author information

    Name: Frankie Dare

    Birthday: 2000-01-27

    Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

    Phone: +3769542039359

    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

    Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.