LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (2024)

Chengyue Wu1,2   Yukang Gan2   Yixiao Ge2
Zeyu Lu3   Jiahao Wang1   Ye Feng4   Ping Luo1   Ying Shan2

1The University of Hong Kong   2ARC Lab, Tencent PCG
3Shanghai Jiao Tong University   4Beijing Language and Culture University

Correspondence to yixiaoge@tencent.com.


Humans generally acquire new skills without compromising the old; however, the opposite holds for Large Language Models (LLMs), e.g., from LLaMA to CodeLLaMA.To this end, we propose a new post-pretraining method for LLMs with an expansion of Transformer blocks.We tune the expanded blocks using only new corpus, efficiently and effectively improving the model’s knowledge without catastrophic forgetting.In this paper, we experiment on the corpus of code and math, yielding LLaMA Pro-8.3B, a versatile foundation model initialized from LLaMA2-7B, excelling in general tasks, programming, and mathematics.LLaMA Pro and its instruction-following counterpart (LLaMA Pro - Instruct) achieve advanced performance among various benchmarks,demonstrating superiority over existing open models in the LLaMA family and the immense potential of reasoning and addressing diverse tasks as an intelligent agent.Our findings provide valuable insights into integrating natural and programming languages, laying a solid foundation for developing advanced language agents that operate effectively in various environments.

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (1)

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion

Chengyue Wu1,2   Yukang Gan2   Yixiao Ge2thanks: Correspondence to yixiaoge@tencent.com.Zeyu Lu3   Jiahao Wang1   Ye Feng4   Ping Luo1   Ying Shan21The University of Hong Kong   2ARC Lab, Tencent PCG3Shanghai Jiao Tong University   4Beijing Language and Culture Universityhttps://github.com/TencentARC/LLaMA-Pro

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (2)

1 Introduction

The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of natural language processing, exhibiting remarkable proficiency in a variety of real-world tasksOpenAI (2023); Chowdhery etal. (2023).Despite the versatility, LLMs still fall short in certain domains, for example, programming, mathematics, biomedical, or finance.This limitation impedes the progress of developing generic language agents for broader applications.

Existing works Liu etal. (2023); Li etal. (2023a); Wu etal. (2023b) attempted to improve the multi-faceted capabilities of pre-trained LLMs with tailored data recipes.While feasible, they require substantial computational resources and vast amounts of data, which poses a challenge to the democratization of LLM research.Consequently, another line of research, known as domain-adaptive pretraining, focuses on post-pretraining with domain-specific corporaGururangan etal. (2020). These approaches have demonstrated efficacy in adapting various LLMs to specific domainsRoziere etal. (2023); Azerbayev etal. (2023); Wu etal. (2023b); Xu etal. (2023b),resulting in enhanced performance on downstream domain-specific tasks at a reduced computational cost.

Nonetheless, a considerable obstacle emerges in catastrophic forgettingDeLange etal. (2021). Post-pretraining often leads to a decline in the model’s original general abilities, inhibiting the fine-tuned performance of the model on diverse tasksCheng etal. (2023); Dong etal. (2023). This necessitates a method that can inject domain-specific knowledge into LLMs while preserving their general abilities, thereby enhancing their comprehensive capabilities.

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (3)

Towards this end, we introduce a simple yet effective post-pretraining method, termed block expansion.We expand the off-the-shelf pre-trained LLM using copied Transformer blocks, as illustrated in Figure 2.The newly added blocks, whose linear layers are zero-initialized to enable identity mapping, are further tuned with only domain-specific corpus while the remaining blocks are frozen.After tuning, the extended pre-trained model excels in both general and domain-specific tasks.

In practice, we extend the pre-trained LLaMA2-7BTouvron etal. (2023) by eight more blocks, yielding LLaMA Pro, a foundation model with 8.3B parameters, and enhanced performance in programming, coding, and reasoning.We pre-train LLaMA Pro’s expanded blocks on 80B tokens using open-source code and math data for 2830 GPU Hours (16 NVIDIA H800 GPUs for about 7 days).We further perform supervised instruction tuning (fully fine-tuning of all the blocks, aka SFT) on LLaMA Pro with approximately 80M tokens, yielding LLaMA Pro - Instruct.It is noted that pre-trained models produced by our block expansion method are well-compatible with the subsequent SFT techniques without specific modification.

As shown in Figure1, LLaMA Pro - Instruct reaches state-of-the-art performance across a broad range of general, code (i.e., HumanEval), and math (i.e., GSM8K) tasks.Furthermore, we assess the capabilities of LLaMA Pro - Instruct as a language agent across various scenarios (i.e., MINT-Bench), with a focus on the tool usage abilities and the capacity to ground in environmental and human feedback.We also employ GPT-4OpenAI (2023) automatic evaluation to assess LLaMA Pro’s ability to serve as an effective assistant (i.e., MT-Bench).Comprehensive experimental results indicate the superiority of LLaMA Pro - Instruct over other models from the LLaMA family on both benchmarks and practical applications.Our contributions are three-fold:

  • We propose a novel post-pretraining method for LLMs, termed block expansion, enabling the injection of new knowledge while preserving the initial capabilities.

  • We introduce LLaMA Pro and LLaMA Pro - Instruct, versatile LLMs that well integrate natural and programming languages, excelling in general tasks, programming, and mathematics.

  • We benchmark the family of LLaMA Pro on extensive datasets, including both traditional and agent-oriented tasks, demonstrating its superiority and great potential in broader complex applications.

2 Related Work

Advancements in Large Language Models.

The field of large language models has witnessed significant progress in recent years. The growth in model and data scale has played a crucial role in achieving state-of-the-art performance across various tasksHoffmann etal. (2022); Kaplan etal. (2020); Chowdhery etal. (2023). Concurrently, the development of more generalist models has led to the creation of models that can address diverse problems and quickly adapt to new tasksRadford etal. (2019); Brown etal. (2020). These advancements have been further bolstered by the open-source community, which has released powerful open large language models for research, such as LLaMATouvron etal. (2023) and CodeLLaMARoziere etal. (2023). Our work builds upon these developments by providing a methodology for specializing large language models in the domain of code, paving the way for future research and applications in this area.


Language model applications typically involve a two-step process: an initial general-domain pretraining step, followed by domain-specific trainingRoziere etal. (2023); Azerbayev etal. (2023). The fine-tuning step is often aimed at enhancing instruction-following abilitiesSanh etal. (2021); Wei etal. (2021); Wang etal. (2023d) or aligning the model’s outputs with human preferencesZiegler etal. (2019); Ouyang etal. (2022); Bai etal. (2022). Additionally, some studies explore adapting pretrained models to novel domains using parameter-efficient fine-tuning methodsHoulsby etal. (2019); Hu etal. (2021); Wu etal. (2023a). Many works also focus on how to do continual learning after the pretraining phaceWang etal. (2023b); Gupta etal. (2023); Scialom etal. (2022). In our work, we propose an adaptation strategy that combines continued training with targeted general capability maintenance, allowing large language models to specialize in specific tasks without sacrificing their overall performance.

Progressive Learning.

In recent years, progressive training has gained attention for its ability to accelerate the training of large-scale models in both computer visionZhang etal. (2023) and NLP researchYao etal. (2023); Li etal. (2023b). Gong etal. (2019) proposed a stacking method that doubles the model depth at each stage. CompoundGrowGu etal. (2020) extends stacking by incorporating FeedForward Network (FFN) expansion into the schedule design. Shen etal. (2022) proposed a staged method that further supports expanding the hidden size of features. Bert2BERTChen etal. (2021a) and LiGOWang etal. (2023a) support all possible growth dimensions. Our method employs depth growth to preserve general performance while adapting to a specific domain.

3 Method

3.1 Preliminaries: The LLaMA Block

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (4)

The LLaMA block consists of a multi-head self-attention (MHSA) mechanism followed by a position-wise feed-forward network (FFN) with residual connections and a Swish-Gated Linear Unit (SwiGLU) operation as Figure3 shows. Given an input x𝑥x, the LLaMA block produces an output y𝑦y as described by the following equations:


The input x𝑥x has a dimension of n×d𝑛𝑑n\times d, where n𝑛n is the sequence length and d𝑑d is the hidden size. The output y𝑦y has the same dimension as the input x𝑥x. The MHSA operation is a crucial component of the transformer, defined as:


where Q𝑄Q, K𝐾K, and V𝑉V are the query, key, and value matrices, respectively, and WOsuperscript𝑊𝑂W^{O} is the output weight matrix without bias . Each head is computed as:


with WiQsubscriptsuperscript𝑊𝑄𝑖W^{Q}_{i}, WiKsubscriptsuperscript𝑊𝐾𝑖W^{K}_{i}, and WiVsubscriptsuperscript𝑊𝑉𝑖W^{V}_{i} being the corresponding weight matrices for the i𝑖i-th head.

The FFN block in the LLaMA model utilizes the SwiGLU activation function, which can be defined as:


where tensor-product\otimes denotes element-wise multiplication, W1subscript𝑊1W_{1}, W2subscript𝑊2W_{2}, and W3subscript𝑊3W_{3} are the weight matrices without bias, SiLU(x)=xσ(x)SiLU𝑥tensor-product𝑥𝜎𝑥\text{SiLU}(x)=x\otimes\sigma(x).

3.2 Block Expansion

Given a model with blocks (ϕ0,ϕ1,,ϕL)subscriptitalic-ϕ0subscriptitalic-ϕ1subscriptitalic-ϕ𝐿(\phi_{0},\phi_{1},...,\phi_{L}), the block expansion incorporates an identity block ϕidsubscriptitalic-ϕ𝑖𝑑\phi_{id} after each block in the original model, ensuring that the expanded model maintains the same output after expansion. The identity block is defined as ϕid(x)=xsubscriptitalic-ϕ𝑖𝑑𝑥𝑥\phi_{id}(x)=x, where the input and output are identical.

Suppose we have an initial model with L𝐿L blocks that needs to be expanded to Lsuperscript𝐿L^{\prime} blocks. First, we partition the original L𝐿L blocks into N𝑁N groups, with each group containing LN𝐿𝑁\frac{L}{N} blocks. For each group, we create identity copies of the top P𝑃P blocks and stack them on top of each group, as depicted in Figure 3. We arrange these blocks in an interleaved manner to maintain the structural characteristic of the transformer model, whose prior is that deeper blocks encode more complex information VanAken etal. (2019); Tenney etal. (2019). This process leads to an increased depth in the model while maintaining its output behavior.

Shen et al.Shen etal. (2022) proposed the initialization of scale parameters in the Norm modules within the identity blocks to zero for the construction of the identity block. However, this approach may not be effective when applied to the LLaMA block. The reason lies in the fact that the gradient of the loss function L𝐿L with respect to the RMSNorm weight w𝑤w during backpropagation would be zero. This would prevent the training of RMSNorm, implying that when RMSNorm(x)=0RMSNormsuperscript𝑥0\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})=0, the following condition will hold:

Lw=LyFFN(RMSNorm(x))RMSNorm(x)RMSNorm(x)w=0.𝐿𝑤𝐿𝑦FFNRMSNormsuperscript𝑥RMSNormsuperscript𝑥RMSNormsuperscript𝑥𝑤0\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial y}\frac{\partial\text{FFN}(\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime}))}{\partial\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})}\frac{\partial\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})}{\partial w}=0.(5)

This equation signifies that the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weight of RMSNorm is zero, which would hinder the training of the RMSNorm module. This is further explained in AppendixA. Referring to the LLaMA block formulation in Equation1, the identity can be achieved as long as MHSA(RMSNorm(x))=𝟎MHSARMSNorm𝑥0\text{MHSA}(\text{RMSNorm}(x))=\mathbf{0} and FFN(RMSNorm(x))=𝟎FFNRMSNormsuperscript𝑥0\text{FFN}(\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime}))=\mathbf{0}. We initialize the WOsuperscript𝑊𝑂W^{O} and W3subscript𝑊3W_{3} weight matrices in the identity blocks to zero. Due to the presence of residual connections and the absence of bias terms in the LLaMA block, only the residual flows through the identity block. As a result, the entire block is reduced to an identity block at initialization, preserving the output from the initial model.

The entire training pipeline is depicted in Figure2. Our method concentrates on the post-pretraining stage, targeting specific domain corpora such as code corpora. We begin by initializing our model with large language models trained on extensive unlabeled general corpora, where all blocks will be fine-tuned. To enhance the model’s capacity for accommodating additional domain knowledge while retaining its general knowledge, we employ block expansion to increase the number of blocks in the LLM. During this process, we only fine-tune the newly added blocks while freezing the original blocks, thereby preserving the general abilities of the model.

4 Experiments

This section presents our key experimental findings. We begin with experimental settings (described in Sec.4.1), and then verify the effectiveness of block expanded tuning after pretraining (described in Sec.4.2). Next, we give the supervised finetuning (SFT) results (described in Sec.5). Finally, ablation studies of the key design choices are presented (described in Sec.6).

4.1 Experimental Settings

Pretrain details.

We construct a dataset that concentrates on code and math. For the code component, we rely on the Stack-dedup dataset, which is a compilation of permissively licensed source codes from GitHub. Among all the programming languages available in Stack-dedup, we specifically utilize the Python split. As for the math component, we opt for the Proof-pile-2 datasetAzerbayev etal. (2023), a 55-billion-token amalgamation of scientific papers, web data containing mathematical content, and mathematical code.

Data sourceTokensWeight

We initialize our base model with LLaMA2-7B and expand the number of blocks from 32 to 40 using an interleaved approach. In the block expansion process, we configure the parameters as P=1𝑃1P=1, M=4𝑀4M=4, and N=8𝑁8N=8, resulting in 8 groups where each group expands from 4 blocks to 5 blocks. For the code and math corpus pretraining, we employ a batch size of 1024, a sequence length of 4096, a warmup ratio of 6%, a learning rate of 2e-4, and a Cosine learning rate scheduler. We also use bf16 mixed precision, a weight decay of 0.1, and gradient clipping at 1.0. To speed up the training process, we apply the flash-attention mechanism.

Our experiment is conducted on 16 NVIDIA H800 GPUs. LLaMA Pro is trained for a total of 15,900 steps. This training process corresponds to approximately 2830 H800 GPU hours.

SFT details.

During the instruction fine-tuning phase, we combine five data sources to create LLaMA Pro - Instruct. These sources include ShareGPT111https://huggingface.co/datasets/anon8231489123/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered, which contains real user and ChatGPT chat history records, and the WizardLM evolution instruction datasetXu etal. (2023a), offering a wealth of instruction data with varying complexity levels. We also incorporate the evolution CodeAlpaca datasetLuo etal. (2023), which includes complex coding tasks generated by ChatGPT and their corresponding solutions. Additionally, we use MetaMathYu etal. (2023), which reframes questions from multiple perspectives, and SlimOrcaLian etal. (2023), a curated subset of our OpenOrca data. SlimOrca provides an efficient route to achieve performance comparable to using larger data slices, while only incorporating approximately 500,000 GPT-4 completions.

DatasetsQuery SourceResponse Source# InstancesN¯roundssubscript¯𝑁rounds\bar{N}_{\text{rounds}}L¯promptsubscript¯𝐿prompt\bar{L}_{\text{prompt}}L¯completionsubscript¯𝐿completion\bar{L}_{\text{completion}}
ShareGPTUser promptsGPT-3.5/GPT-463,8172.9293.21157.1

The final sft dataset consists of approximately 1M samples. To fine-tune the basic models, we employ specific configurations, including a batch size of 128, a sequence length of 4096, 0.03 warmup ratio, a learning rate of 2e-5, a Cosine learning rate scheduler, and bf16 mixed precision.

Evaluation details.

We conduct a comparative analysis of LLaMA Pro with the latest state-of-the-art (SOTA) Large Language Models (LLMs). The evaluation is performed on six key general benchmarks using the Eleuther AI Language Model Evaluation Harness222https://github.com/EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness, a unified framework designed to test generative language models across a vast array of evaluation tasks. For code-related tasks, we employ the BigCode Evaluation Harness333https://github.com/bigcode-project/bigcode-evaluation-harness to evaluate HumanEval and MBPP, and we report the pass@1 rate of code tasks with greedy decoding.

The benchmarks used for evaluation include:

  • AI2 Reasoning ChallengeClark etal. (2018) (25-shot): a set of grade-school science questions.

  • HellaSwag (10-shot)Zellers etal. (2019): a test of commonsense inference, which is easy for humans (approximately 95%) but challenging for SOTA models.

  • MMLU (5-shot)Hendrycks etal. (2020): a test to measure a text model’s multitask accuracy. The test covers 57 tasks including elementary mathematics, US history, computer science, law, and more.

  • TruthfulQA (0-shot)Lin etal. (2021): a test to measure a model’s propensity to reproduce falsehoods commonly found online.

  • Winogrande (5-shot)Sakaguchi etal. (2021): an adversarial and difficult Winograd benchmark at scale, for commonsense reasoning.

  • GSM8k (5-shot)Cobbe etal. (2021): diverse grade school math word problems to measure a model’s ability to solve multi-step mathematical reasoning problems. Additionally, we assess the models in the context of the Program of Thought (PoT) settingChen etal. (2023a). The PoT setting utilizes Python code to solve mathematical problems, which serves to evaluate the code generation capabilities of the models.

  • HumanEval (0-shot)Chen etal. (2021b): 164 handwritten Python programming problems with a function signature, docstring, body, and several unit tests.

  • MBPP (3-shot)Austin etal. (2021): crowd-sourced Python programming problems, designed to be solvable by entry-level programmers. Each problem consists of a task description in English, a code solution and 3 automated test cases.

4.2 Pretrain Results

ModelLanguage TasksMath TasksCode TasksAvg. \bigstrut
Pretrained comparison
LLaMA Pro (8B)54.1077.9447.8839.0473.9517.8925.4228.6633.2044.23 \bigstrut
CrystalCoder (7B)47.0171.9748.7835.9167.1710.7724.9628.3836.3841.26 \bigstrut
LLaMA2-7B53.0778.5946.8738.7674.0314.4817.6813.0520.0939.62 \bigstrut
CodeLLaMA-7B39.9360.8031.1237.8264.015.1625.2033.5041.4037.66 \bigstrut
StarCoder-15B30.3847.9329.9641.2856.129.4825.0933.6343.2835.24 \bigstrut
LLaMA-7B50.9477.8135.6934.3371.438.0410.4610.6117.0435.15 \bigstrut
OpenLLaMA-v2-7B43.6972.2041.2935.5469.383.495.4615.3212.6933.23 \bigstrut
Falcon-7B47.8778.1327.7934.2672.384.624.329.4213.3932.46 \bigstrut
SFT comparison
LLaMA Pro - Instruct52.3076.8852.5748.8072.5343.5955.6144.5137.8853.85 \bigstrut
LLaMA2-7B-Chat52.9078.5548.3245.5771.747.3519.7314.6321.6040.04 \bigstrut
CodeLLaMA-7B-Instruct36.5255.4434.5441.2564.567.9634.6734.8044.439.35 \bigstrut

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (5)

We evaluate LLaMA Pro’s performance with benchmark datasets from the Open LLM Leaderboard. Furthermore, we incorporate coding benchmark datasets, including HumanEval pass@1 and MBPP pass@1, as well as the math benchmark GSM8K, to provide a comprehensive evaluation. We compare the performance of LLaMA Pro with a selection of state-of-the-art pretrained models that were trained around the same period with similar size. This includes general-purpose pretrained models like LLaMA2 and code-oriented pretrained models like CodeLLaMA. The results are presented in Table3.

The results highlight that LLaMA Pro effectively balances natural language processing and coding capabilities. It not only preserves the general performance of its base model, LLaMA2-7B, but also surpasses it in the average performance of general language tasks. Conversely, CodeLLaMA-7B sacrifices general performance to enhance its code ability. We attribute this improvement to our expansion design, which freezes the initial LLaMA blocks to maintain their capabilities and increases the blocks to accommodate more domain-specific knowledge.

As depicted in Figure4, LLaMA Pro shows robust general performance alongside code performance that is on par with code-oriented LLMs. Situated on the Pareto frontier, LLaMA Pro has undergone fine-tuning with an additional 80B tokens in conjunction with LLaMA2, which more than doubles the code tasks average performance. In contrast, CodeLLaMA is fine-tuned with 500B tokens. LLaMA Pro excels in general performance while maintaining code performance that is competitive with code-oriented LLMs, whether they are trained from scratch, such as StarCoder-15B and CrystalCoder, or fine-tuned like CodeLLaMA-7B.

4.3 SFT Results

ModelMT Bench
LLaMA Pro - Instruct6.32

Modern LLMs typically undergo supervised fine-tuning or instruction tuning after pretraining on vast amounts of unlabeled data. In this section, we aim to demonstrate that our expansion strategy can adapt to this widely used training pipeline, just as traditional LLMs do.

Table3 presents a comparison of evaluation results among several prominent supervised fine-tuning (SFT) LLMs from the LLaMA community, across general tasks, math tasks, and code tasks benchmarks. As a singular SFT model, LLaMA Pro - Instruct attains state-of-the-art performance, even when compared to specifically tuned models such as WizardCoder and WizardMath. This demonstrates its more comprehensive capabilities.

As seen in Figure1, LLaMA Pro - Instruct boosts both code and math tasks to state-of-the-art performances while maintaining reliable general performance. We enhance the average performance of LLaMA2-7B-chat and CodeLLaMA-7B-instruct by 13.81% and 14.50% respectively, which highlights the benefits of balancing textual and coding abilities.

To assess the comprehensive conversational performance of the LLaMA Pro - Instruct assistant, we evaluate it using the MT-Bench with GPT-4 automatic scoring, as proposed by VicunaZheng etal. (2023). As depicted in Table4, LLaMA Pro - Instruct surpasses widely used chatbots from the LLaMA community. This indicates its potential as a chatbot capable of providing helpful responses, in addition to its impressive performance in traditional benchmarks. The details of MT-Bench can be found in the Appendix C.

We use MINT-Bench Wang etal. (2023c) to evaluate our model’s ability to solve multi-turn interactions by using tools. MINT-Bench tests LLMs’ ability to use tools by generating and executing Python code, focusing on tool-augmented task-solving and leveraging natural language feedback. MINT includes eight datasets covering reasoning, code generation, and decision-making. The details of MINT can be found in the Appendix B. The results are shown in Table5. LLaMA Pro - Instruct achieves SOTA performance compared to similar size models in multi-turn interactions with the use of tools.

ModelInteraction TurnsAvg. \bigstrut
AgentLM-7B0.04.445.296.487.344.71 \bigstrut
CodeLLaMA-7B-Instruct0.347.8510.249.738.707.37 \bigstrut
LLaMA2-7B-Chat1.024.276.666.487.345.77 \bigstrut
Mistral-Instruct-v0.11.5412.1213.3114.1613.9911.02 \bigstrut
LLaMA Pro - Instruct0.6812.6311.9511.9514.6810.38 \bigstrut

4.4 Ablation Study

MethodOverall Performance (OP)Backward Transfer (BWT)
Block Expansion46.5-14.3%
LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (6)

MethodLanguage TasksLaw TaskAvg. \bigstrut
Add 1 Block52.3077.9238.6237.8073.1655.9667.4561.71 \bigstrut
Add 2 Block53.1677.9139.6238.9273.0156.5269.5763.05 \bigstrut
Add 4 Block52.3976.9237.3040.5372.2255.8771.3163.59 \bigstrut
Add 8 Block52.9076.6341.7439.8372.3856.7075.1165.91 \bigstrut
Add 16 Block51.8876.5941.3540.1371.8256.3575.1765.76 \bigstrut
Add 32 Block50.7776.7240.6841.6672.7756.5273.9365.23 \bigstrut
Mixture-of-Expert (MoE)51.4576.5142.4740.1372.2356.5667.2761.92 \bigstrut
Prefix Stacking (8 Block)27.8226.1223.1222.5247.2029.360.8115.08 \bigstrut
Suffix Stacking (8 Block)52.5677.8939.1039.0372.3856.1960.9858.59 \bigstrut

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (7)

We evaluate various training strategies, including LoRA, fine-tuning, and the block expansion training approach that we propose, using the TRACE benchmarkWang etal. (2023b). TRACE is designed to assess continual learning in LLMs and comprises eight distinct datasets that span challenging tasks such as domain-specific tasks, multilingual capabilities, code generation, and mathematical reasoning. We assess the ability of different strategies to retain the model’s existing knowledge while incorporating new skills. Details are provided in the Appendix 13.

We employ Overall Performance (OPChaudhry etal. (2018)) and Backward Transfer (BWTLopez-Paz and Ranzato (2017)) scores as evaluation metrics. After incrementally learning the t𝑡t-th task, the model’s score on the i𝑖i-th task (where it𝑖𝑡i\leq t) is denoted as Rt,iDsubscriptsuperscript𝑅𝐷𝑡𝑖R^{D}_{t,i}. The OP and BWT scores are calculated using the following formulas:


Table6 presents the performance of different strategies on the TRACE benchmark following their continual learning phase with LLaMA2-7B. The results show that block expansion training exhibits superior task-specific adaptability compared to sequential fine-tuning and LoRA, as evidenced by its better OP and BWT scores.

Apart from the aspect of code corpus, we explore our method on another domain: law, with the freelaw subset of Pile dataset as our pretrain corpus Gao etal. (2020). We evaluate on UNFAIR-ToS Lippi etal. (2019) of the LexGLUE benchmark Chalkidis etal. (2021). The details can be found in the Appendix 14.

In our experiment, we assess the scalability of our block expansion method in terms of training loss and downstream task performance as we increase the number of added blocks. We also compare our method with the Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) expansion methodFedus etal. (2022).

We first examine the training loss with varying added blocks. As seen in Figure5, the training loss of the models consistently decreases as training progresses, regardless of the number of added blocks. Moreover, the loss decreases more rapidly as we increase the size of the model. These findings suggest that our method exhibits strong scalability with larger models and more data. The training loss of MoE is comparable to our method with four added blocks.

However, a lower overall training loss does not necessarily guarantee superior performance on domain-specific tasks. Therefore, we evaluate models of different sizes on both general language tasks and Unfair-ToS, as shown in Table7. All the expanded models effectively preserve the general capabilities of the initial model. For the domain-specific task, larger models achieve better performance. We find that adding eight blocks provides optimal performance with minimal cost compared to larger models, hence we adopt this as our default strategy.

We also analyze the impact of the position where the identity blocks are added, either at the bottom or the top of the model, compared to adding them interleaved, as shown in Table7. We observe that adding blocks at the bottom results in poor evaluation performance, likely because it disrupts the model’s foundation, causing errors to propagate throughout the model. Adding blocks at the top of the modelGong etal. (2019) preserves the initial model’s performance, but its performance on domain-specific tasks is lower than when adding blocks interleaved.

As highlighted in the LIMA studyZhou etal. (2023), the majority of knowledge in large language models is acquired during pretraining, with only a limited amount of instruction tuning data required to generate high-quality output. To investigate the extent of knowledge encoded during pretraining, we conducted a comparative analysis between LLaMA2-7B and LLaMA Pro using the same instruction dataset, as illustrated in Figure 6. Our results showed that LLaMA Pro consistently outperforms LLaMA2-7B across all tasks, indicating that our method effectively enables LLaMA Pro to encode more domain-specific knowledge during the pretraining phase.

5 Conclusion

In this study, we introduced a novel block expansion method for Large Language Models (LLMs) post-pretraining, aiming to enhance domain-specific abilities while preserving the original general capabilities. Our approach effectively balances the model’s performance across both general and domain-specific tasks. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our method through LLaMA Pro, an LLM initialized from LLaMA2-7B with 8 added blocks, which outperformed other LLaMA-series models on comprehensive benchmarks.

The work highlights the importance of balancing general and domain-specific abilities in LLMs and offers a promising approach to achieving this balance.Future research could explore broader applications of our block expansion method in other domains, for instance, it is an important task for multimodal large language models Ge etal. (2023); Bai etal. (2023) to preserve the original language ability.


We sincerely acknowledge Qingyue Zhao (Tsinghua University; ARC Lab, Tencent PCG) and Xiaohu Jiang (Tsinghua University; ARC Lab, Tencent PCG) for their engaging discussions.


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Appendix A Gradient Derivation

To calculate the gradient of the RMSNorm weight during backpropagation, we first need to consider the forward pass equation for the Llama RMSNorm:

RMSNorm(x)=wxVar(x)+ϵRMSNorm𝑥direct-product𝑤𝑥Var𝑥italic-ϵ\text{RMSNorm}(x)=\frac{w\odot x}{\sqrt{\text{Var}(x)+\epsilon}}(8)

where x𝑥x is the input tensor, w𝑤w is the weight parameter, Var(x)Var𝑥\text{Var}(x) is the variance of x𝑥x across the last dimension, and ϵitalic-ϵ\epsilon is a small constant for numerical stability.

Now, let’s consider the chain rule for the gradient of the loss function with respect to the RMSNorm weight during backpropagation. Denote the loss function as L𝐿L, and the output of the FFN as y𝑦y. We have:

Lw=Lyyw𝐿𝑤𝐿𝑦𝑦𝑤\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial y}\frac{\partial y}{\partial w}(9)

To compute the gradient, we need to find the partial derivative yw𝑦𝑤\frac{\partial y}{\partial w}. From the FFN equation, we have:


Taking the derivative with respect to w𝑤w, we get:

yw=FFN(RMSNorm(x))w𝑦𝑤FFNRMSNormsuperscript𝑥𝑤\frac{\partial y}{\partial w}=\frac{\partial\text{FFN}(\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime}))}{\partial w}(11)

Now, let’s differentiate the RMSNorm function with respect to w𝑤w:

RMSNorm(x)w=xVar(x)+ϵRMSNorm𝑥𝑤𝑥Var𝑥italic-ϵ\frac{\partial\text{RMSNorm}(x)}{\partial w}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{\text{Var}(x)+\epsilon}}(12)

Using the chain rule, we can compute the gradient of the loss function with respect to the RMSNorm weight:

Lw=LyFFN(RMSNorm(x))RMSNorm(x)RMSNorm(x)w𝐿𝑤𝐿𝑦FFNRMSNormsuperscript𝑥RMSNormsuperscript𝑥RMSNormsuperscript𝑥𝑤\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial y}\frac{\partial\text{FFN}(\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime}))}{\partial\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})}\frac{\partial\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})}{\partial w}(13)

Given that RMSNorm(x)=tRMSNormsuperscript𝑥𝑡\text{RMSNorm}(x^{\prime})=t, we need to find the derivative of the FFN with respect to t𝑡t. Recall the FFN equation:


Now we want to find the partial derivative of the FFN with respect to t𝑡t. Recall the SwiGLU activation function:


Taking the derivative of the SwiGLU function with respect to t𝑡t, we get:

SwiGLU(t,W1,W2)t=(SiLU(tW1)t)(tW2)+SiLU(tW1)((tW2)t)SwiGLU𝑡subscript𝑊1subscript𝑊2𝑡tensor-productSiLU𝑡subscript𝑊1𝑡𝑡subscript𝑊2tensor-productSiLU𝑡subscript𝑊1𝑡subscript𝑊2𝑡\frac{\partial\text{SwiGLU}(t,W_{1},W_{2})}{\partial t}=\left(\frac{\partial\text{SiLU}(tW_{1})}{\partial t}\right)\otimes(tW_{2})+\text{SiLU}(tW_{1})\otimes\left(\frac{\partial(tW_{2})}{\partial t}\right)(16)

Now, recall the SiLU activation function:


Thus, the gradient of the FFN with respect to t𝑡t when t=0𝑡0t=0 is also zero:

FFN(t)t=0FFN𝑡𝑡0\frac{\partial\text{FFN}(t)}{\partial t}=0(18)

In conclusion, when t=0𝑡0t=0, the gradient of the FFN with respect to t𝑡t is zero, which demonstrates that the gradient is zero when the input to the FFN is zero.

Appendix B MINT-Bench

Task TypeTask Name# Instances
Code GenerationHumanEval (Chen etal., 2021b)45
MBPP (Austin etal., 2021)91
Decision MakingALFWorld (Shridhar etal., 2020)134
ReasoningGSM8K (Cobbe etal., 2021)48
HotpotQA (Yang etal., 2018)43
MATH (Hendrycks etal., 2021)100
MMLU (Hendrycks etal., 2020)76
TheoremQA (Chen etal., 2023b)49

ModelCode GenerationDecision MakingReasoningMicro Avg. \bigstrut
AgentLM-7B1.479.708.867.34 \bigstrut
CodeLLaMA-7B-Instruct2.2117.167.918.70 \bigstrut
LLaMA2-7B-Chat0.000.0013.617.34 \bigstrut
Mistral-Instruct-v0.16.6234.338.5413.99 \bigstrut
LLaMA Pro - Instruct11.7629.109.8114.68 \bigstrut

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (8)

The MINT-BenchWang etal. (2023c) details are provided in this section. MINT-Bench comprises eight datasets spanning code generation, decision-making, and reasoning tasks, totaling 586 instances, as shown in Table 8.

We use the Success Rate (SR) as our evaluation metric, which measures the percentage of successful task instances. For an interaction limit of k𝑘k, MINT-Bench starts from scratch and allows each LLM to interact up to the k𝑘k-th turn, measuring the corresponding SRk𝑆subscript𝑅𝑘SR_{k}. Unless specified otherwise, MINT-Bench limits k[1,5]𝑘15k\in\left[1,5\right], where k=1𝑘1k=1 indicates no interaction, and k=5𝑘5k=5 maximizes interaction turns within the context window (4,096 tokens) of most modern LLMs.

In each turn, the LLM is instructed to perform the following steps: (1) Optionally express its reasoning process (referred to as "Thought," similar to Yao etal. (2022)); (2) Either interact with tools by generating Python code and executing it through a Python interpreter (referred to as "Execute"), or propose a solution to the user (referred to as "Propose Solution").

Table 9 displays the success rate for each model evaluated on various task type benchmarks, as well as the micro average when k=5𝑘5k=5. The LLaMA Pro - Instruct model demonstrates robust performance across all task types compared to other models of similar size. Figure 7 provides a case study to compare LLaMA Pro - Instruct and LLaMA2-7B-Chat where LLaMA Pro - Instruct successfully utilizes Python program to solve the given question in the multi-round interaction.

Appendix C MT-Bench

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (9)
LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (10)

MT-bench is a collection of demanding multi-turn open-ended questions designed for evaluating chat assistants. In order to automate the evaluation process, we employ powerful LLMs, such as GPT-4, to act as judges and assess the quality of the models’ responses. We present the detailed pairwise comparison in the Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 10 shows the case study of the comparison between LLaMA Pro - Instruct and LLaMA2-7B-Chat.

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (11)

Appendix D TRACE-Bench

DatasetSourceAvg lenMetricLanguage#data
C-STANCESocial media127AccuracyChinese5,000
Code completion
Py150Github422Edim similarityPython5,000
Mathematical reasoning




Table 10 shows the statistics of TRACE. We evaluate the performance of different training strategies after sequential tasks. Table 11-13 shows the detailed performance of different training strategies of each round during the continual learning with LLaMA2-7B.

Appendix E Domain of Law

Batch size1024
Maximum sequence length2,048
Maximum learning rate2e-4
Adam beta weights0.9, 0.95
Learning rate schedulercosine
Warmup ratio0.06
Gradient clipping1.0

Table 14 shows the hyper-parameters we use to do the ablation study in the domain of law. We use the freelaw subset of Pile dataset as our pretrain corpus Gao etal. (2020) in the domain of law. This subset has 51.2 GiB raw size and 16.7B tokens with 3.6M documents.

The Unfair-ToS dataset, which we use to evaluate the performance of law, contains Terms of Service (ToS) from online platforms (e.g., YouTube, Ebay, Facebook, etc.). The dataset has been annotated on the sentence-level with 8 types of unfair contractual terms (sentences), meaning terms that potentially violate user rights according to the European consumer law. The UNFAIR-ToS task is a multilabel classification task. To get model predictions for this task, we categorize it as a multiple-choice question as the method Cheng etal. (2023) uses. The accuracy of an individual data example is considered true if the model prediction (i.e., the option with the highest per-token likelihood) belongs to the label(s) set. We evaluate the Unfair-ToS dataset in a 4-shot scenario just like Cheng etal. (2023).

LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.